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Emir 2024-07-09 11:31:39 

The late Basdeo Panday, a man I am proud to have called my friend, always said "politics has its own morality" and we are indeed seeing it play out in America right now.

The "analysts" and hosts at FOX are now sounding pro Biden and the Dems who are "trying to have him step down" are the bad guys in Fox world.

Last night, Donald Trump also weighed in- sounding sympathetic to Biden.

Well why would they want the man who they say is the "worst president in America's history" running? Well because as long as Biden is the nominee, Trump's journey to reclaim the WH is a done deal.

BeatDball 2024-07-09 22:27:24 

Yeah man yeah man...leh he stay, nah! big grin

carl0002 2024-07-10 02:52:57 

Is not pro dem pro Biden is realize them realize that Trump best chance to win is against Biden though Biden will still beat Trump hands down. Dem don't want Biden to drop out the race.