The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Good lord...dem men this can't even tek singles

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VIX 7/12/24, 12:21:59 AM
VIX avatar image

debut: 2/7/03
17,180 runs

Glorious dot ball cricket!

Wheelchairs creeking in anticipation of the next one.
Chrissy 7/12/24, 12:23:58 AM
Chrissy avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
195,013 runs

In reply to ray
Hard to process
johndom90 7/12/24, 2:54:30 AM
johndom90 avatar image

debut: 4/7/05
6,794 runs

Its difficult and in many ways grossly unfair to criticize the players on the field of play. They are not totally blameless in
themselves , but they are the easy targets for all and sundry to criticize. Lara and Shiv, each with their vastly contrasting styles , are testament that these islands can still produce bad mind cricketing prodigy /talent. It is still possible for the individual player to tie their laces , buckle
up and make it happen.

My criticism will always be mainly leveled at the administration level....'fish rots at the head' and over the decades Cricket WI has been a whale of a fish.
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ray 7/12/24, 5:42:04 PM
ray avatar image

debut: 2/7/03
23,188 runs

In reply to johndom90

rotating strike is very basic, puts some pressure on the bowling and fielding...unless they don't teach them how to do that
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WIfan26 7/12/24, 9:32:10 PM
WIfan26 avatar image

debut: 5/1/21
2,377 runs

In reply to ray

Well when you play on shitty pitches against players from a broken system the basics aren't really basics!!!

I mean WI literally picked Kirk after one good innings and Louis after 1 decent FC season and expected them to just learn on the job!!!

It's going to take a miracle for WI to get better at the International level!!!
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