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'The Real Elder Abuse' funds frozen. Vix?

Brerzerk 2024-07-12 17:47:53 

You enjoying dis? Dem PAC donors freezing funds
as long as B-Biden is the nominee. Who run Murka?
Dark Money Men...'on both sides' to quote Trumpel-thinskinned

VIX 2024-07-12 19:08:20 

In reply to Brerzerk

Great mericka was built on dark money. Who is me to not partake?? lol

VIX 2024-07-12 19:09:27 

In reply to Brerzerk

Two crazy, dementia-plagued candidates, perfect for the misfits' grate kuntry.

Brerzerk 2024-07-12 19:22:18 

In reply to VIX


camos 2024-07-12 19:31:22 

Biden will drop out next week!

hubert 2024-07-12 22:02:53 

In reply to camos

I can't see him doing that.

Brerzerk 2024-07-13 00:34:58 

In reply to hubert

Biden has all the cards, the aces. Moreover he stands a very good chance of winning. Let the bourgeois try harder to oust him and see black women and some union members revolt! He got a larger cut of white men than most other dems ever did. They won't vote for just any other white guy nor woman 9f any stripe.
B-biden will not be bullied.

hubert 2024-07-13 11:36:12 

In reply to Brerzerk

As you all know I don't have any liking for Empty Suit in any way shape or form.
However it is a long way to November and anything and everything is possible in
Not a vote has been cast as yet and polls are not conclusive one way or the other.
Biden still has a good enough record to run on even with the economy, it is just that he
has to be able,with aid from his enablers and team, to make this resound with the
people. He has not been doing a good enough job of highlighting his strong points
to the people.
It has not helped of course as his own pathetic display at the 'debate' is and will be
at the forefront till November. So where is his team, Obama,Clinton et al who should
be more prominent in shoring him up. He needs help ,badly. Help that will pivot the conversation
to his positives and shrink the negatives surrounding him at this point.

It is sad to see Democrats abandoning the ship like Rats and doing so in so public a manner,that the Party itself
is not being seen in good light by others on the fence,independents.
Republicans are driving the narratives too much and orchestrating anti Biden waves.
Deep down, they do not want to face Biden as he has credentials of accomplishment as President that
are better than Trumps'.

I hope Biden sticks to his guns,remains in the race and if he wins( he has a great chance) put his
detractors in the dog house and so strengthen his hold on party and country in a new Term.
Then he should quite midway and hand over the Reigns to his VP.
Dont quit Empty Suit.

Emir 2024-07-13 12:44:12 

In reply to Brerzerk

True, but I don't know if it is enough for him win the election. And this is where he needs to put self and country above party.

He needs young progressives to come out as they did last election and thus far, they remain bitterly disappointed with Biden's support, defense and financing of genocide.

Part of the base, older black women seems to be staying with him as is the Black Congressional Caucus. However, this important part of the loyal base wouldn't be enough in the 6 battleground states.

Even today, Biden has stayed loyal to Netanyahu even though Netanyahu is openly supporting Trump, this has infuriated the young progressive and the largest part of the base, they see this as validation that Biden's mental capacity had has severely diminished and he is being controlled by the Zionist within the his orbit.