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Trump Assassin a registered Republican

nick2020 2024-07-14 11:17:33 

Crooks was a registered Republican, according to voting records, but had only participated in the Nov. 8, 2022, state election due to his age

Taken from Foxnews.

Life is stranger than fiction

Da-Vincy 2024-07-14 11:22:53 

In reply to nick2020

That in itself won’t stop them from blaming democrats. A registered Repub can be bought.

doosra 2024-07-14 11:42:27 

That doesn't matter
He donated 15 dollars to a pro democratic organization


nick2020 2024-07-14 11:43:04 

In reply to Da-Vincy

Will make for some interesting news when they start digging into Crooks life

nick2020 2024-07-14 11:44:33 

In reply to doosra

Born into a republican family but the black sheep?

Walco 2024-07-14 11:45:46 

In reply to nick2020

shock I thought for sure the shooter would be a member of Antifa or another left-wing organization.

nick2020 2024-07-14 11:47:39 

In reply to Walco


Walco 2024-07-14 11:49:16 

In reply to nick2020

smile The shooter must have been a Manchurian Candidate Republican In Name Only

doosra 2024-07-14 11:50:31 

In reply to Walco

Fake republican?

nick2020 2024-07-14 12:06:53 

In reply to doosra

It becomes a complicated narrative.

A 20 year old registered republican with a gun attempts to assassinate Former President Trump.

Life is a brilliant artist.

nickoutr 2024-07-14 12:19:14 

there are many influential republicans who are never Trumpers

Drapsey 2024-07-14 12:30:39 

In reply to Da-Vincy

That in itself won’t stop them from blaming democrats. A registered Repub can be bought.

And as part of the plot, they killed the 20-year-old 'victim' to prevent him from 'spilling the beans'.

Walco 2024-07-14 13:20:05 

In reply to doosra

Anyone Republican who dares to speak against Trump is called a RINO or fake? Just imagine what will they will call a Republican who literally takes a shot at him ...

embsallie 2024-07-14 17:59:34 

Follow the money.
The FBI needs to verify whether this guy had an offshore account and how much is in that account.

hubert 2024-07-14 21:24:39 

If I were a Supreme Court Consersative Justice(Alito, Thomas) I would take warning from the attempt on Trump's Life.
There are 'sick people' out there with guns and it does not take much to set them off. Women carry too and know how to use.surprised
This Court is more a Political Hack Team than anything else.

As they say in the Yard, Tek sleep mark De(a)th.confused

dayne 2024-07-14 21:57:04 

The young man probably was an isolated, socially awkward incel, in these present times where many are cutoff from social interaction because of smartphones and computers some people are going crazy.

Drapsey 2024-07-14 23:18:20 

In reply to dayne

According to an interviewed schoolmate, the young man was the main target of the school bullies.

Oh, the poor guy.

nickoutr 2024-07-15 00:25:24 

democrat party is the assassin

the would be assassin was allowed to stay on roof after being sighted by attenddes of the rally and by philly cops

Brerzerk 2024-07-15 01:48:51 

In reply to nickoutr

You always add vacuous nonsense to calculate time seen, position and distance of rally goers to cops etc. How soon cops were able to relay info to snipers? Did other cops guns have the range? Lots of factors Trump (pardon the pun) conspiracy theories. Verify before doubling down

carl0002 2024-07-15 14:14:40 

In reply to hubert

Funny you said that, there is enough warning already, but cuz it does not happen to them they think they are above it... the day before, law enforcement foiled a car jacking attempt outside Justice Sotomayor house. Of course this will get lost in the shuffle now.

Brerzerk 2024-07-15 20:42:34 

Youth's Ole man owns 20 guns including one used. What a weird culture!

carl0002 2024-07-16 14:38:02 

I caught a tiny piece of the convention last night when Trump came in... and you can literally see the look of a full diaper on his face and he thinking... Ok which one of my own party members might try to take a shot tonight. big grinbig grin

hubert 2024-07-16 15:09:15 

In reply to carl0002

lollol .. I can only imagine.
Have not and will not watch a second of this charade of Idiots.
But having said that, all of us Alive are living in the most exciting times of human
existence as the end of This Age draws ever closer according to some scholars/prophets,
agnostics et al.
I think they may be onto something too as I never imagined some of the events
taking place at this time or how so many of us humans beings have been so captive
to what is being spewed and done by largely one Man, Trump who is now the Republican
Party, an in America of all
Its only gonna get better(?) ??
I hope I live at least another 10 years lollol

One thing I know...These United States cannot be disarmed cool

Drapsey 2024-07-16 19:00:12 

And Iran is the culprit. We always knew that.

US received intel of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump, CNN reports

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States received intelligence from a human source in recent weeks about an Iranian plot to try to assassinate former President Donald Trump, CNN reported on Tuesday, citing people briefed on the matter.

CNN reported that there was no indication that the 20-year-old who tried to assassinate Trump on Saturday was connected to the plot.

Well, if Biden doesn't go and bomb those MFs, then you know what happens.