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What if Shooter was NOT A WHITE EURO AMERICAN?

Emir 2024-07-15 11:46:36 

And instead a Somali American or brown skin El Salvadorian American?

Or can you imagine the shooter having an Urdu or Arabic sounding name like "Ifrfaan?

Or what if the shooting took place not in this heart of MAGA country but say in diverse New York City?

dayne 2024-07-15 12:17:01 

In reply to Emir

Well, some interesting questions? However, I think that such people would not have had the opportunity to get on the roof of a building in the first place, anyone of color walking around an event like that with a gun would have been stopped right away. Remember the Kyle Rittenhouse incident, he shot three people and was walking around with the gun right in front of the Police and they ignored him, even though people were yelling that he shot a person.

ray 2024-07-15 13:23:29 

In reply to dayne

very true...
White guy walking around with a gun is normal in PA...nothing to see here

doosra 2024-07-15 14:02:12 

In reply to dayne

an officer saw him up there and leff him according to one news source

you are spot on

standards are different