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T&T bloody weekend 15 murders

sgtdjones 2024-07-15 14:13:55 

Commissioner, TTPS say 'all police stations on high alert' after 15 weekend murders

The country’s senior police officers, led by Commissioner of Police Erla Harewood-Christopher, have assured that all police officers, in all police stations across the country will be on high alert following a violent and bloody weekend which resulted in 15 people being killed. But less than two hours after police addressed the surge in murders, which saw seven occurring in Port-of-pain, a man was gunned down on Charlotte Street.
The man who was not identified up to late yesterday evening, was found dead after passersby heard gunshots. At a media conference at the Police Administration Building, Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of operations, Junior Benjamin said all police stations are on high alert and they will be ramping up their patrols.

“As DCP in charge of operations, I want to say now that all the stations are on high alert. I want to also state that the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, we continue the fight. This is something that has been done for the last two to three weeks, we have ensured that we have more and more patrols outside there and I want to assure that at this time we have ensured that there continues to be a constant presence of the police,” he said. Benjamin said the murders were cause for urgent action by the police and within the coming days, there will be a high police presence.

sgtdjones 2024-07-15 14:15:00 

Asked what words of assurance she can give to communities that have seen mass shootings such as Mango Rose, Harpe Place, Gonzales and Powder Magazine, Harewood-Christopher said it is time for the residents to “take back their communities.”

“I will say to the residents that the communities belongs to them and they must ensure that the criminally minded, that criminal activities will not be tolerated,” she urged.


Police Stations on high alert....for what ???

To pick up bodies?shock

sgtdjones 2024-07-15 14:34:05 

'We have not lost a handle on crime'

'WE have not lost a handle on crime, but it continues to be diverse and we continue to adjust our strategies,' Police Commissioner Erla Christopher said last night during a specially convened news conference to address Trinidad's bloody weekend.

Joining her at the conference, which took place around 7 p.m. at the Police Administration Building, Port of Spain, was head of the Homicide Bureau Ag DCP Sean Dhillpaul, DCP Suzette Martin (Intelligence ad Investigations) and DCP Junior Benjamin (operations).

Christopher gave a breakdown into the 14 murders-seven gang-related, two murders drug-related, two due to robberies, while the motives of three of the murders were unknown.


granite 2024-07-15 15:29:56 

In reply to sgtdjones

All I can do is feel sorry for the good people of Trinidad,how did Trinidad come to this,what is more painful is how the crims get away with horrible crimes.

sgtdjones 2024-07-15 16:45:44 

In reply to granite

Incompetent leaders governing over the last eight years as we reached

14th in Crime per capita
6th in murders per capita

Over 3500 Africans murdered in the past 10 years ..... police solve 7 out of every 100 murders.
The leadership remains quiet.

We get what we deserve in life , sadly its the population , not the lunatics in Parliament.