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Trucker slain in ambush: T&T Murder toll races to 323...

sgtdjones 2024-07-17 02:56:04 

Trucker slain in ambush: Murder toll races to 323

A 58-year-old man was ambushed and shot dead near his Arima home yesterday morning.
Police said that around 5.52 a.m. Anthony John, of River Valley Road, off La Retreat Road, Arima, arrived at his home in his truck. He got out and was about to open the gate when he was attacked by two men with guns.

John was shot multiple times and was killed on the spot.

The murder toll stood at 323 up to last night while the toll on this date last year was 315.

sgtdjones 2024-07-17 02:58:28 

Cop accused of rape disappears with loaded gun

POLICE are searching for one of their colleagues who is being sought after in connection with the rape of his teenage niece.
The Child Protection Unit in the Northern Division received a report from the victim that the officer raped her on several occasions, the latest incident in the first week of this month.
The suspect is attached to a community police unit in the Eastern Police Division.

A police report stated that on July 11 the victim’s mother confronted the suspect about the allegations and he allegedly admitted them.
The report further stated that the suspect indicated to the mother that he was not going to jail and threatened to commit suicide with a length of wire.
Police were told that the suspect is the holder of a Firearm User Licence (FUL) and owns a Glock 19 with 50 rounds of nine-millimetre ammunition.