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The issue of "Sir"

Besar 2024-07-17 08:01:51 

The "Sir" is as colonial as cricket and soccer to us. They are some of the legacies we inherited from colonialism. If we are so incensed on the matter of "Sir" and its colonial stigma, then I suggest that we should not just target those who accepted the "Sir". We should all stop setting up all hours of the night following these colonial impositions of cricket and soccer. Furthermore, if we feel so strongly about it, we should give up the colonial education and everything we earned from it.

I never anticipated having to justify this "Sir" thing, but sometimes it is necessary to put things into perspective, especially when we choose to be selectively progressive and using labels like slave minded etc to insult only those we don't like. Almost every city and important landmark in the English speaking Caribbean is named after some English person who had raped our society in and out. You hardly hear any appeal by these progressives to change that. I know of one country right now that is in the process of doing that. But, that is our history, and we should work collectively to end all these leftovers from slavery, but not use it as mapewee on individuals.

the truth is, many of the islands have remained in the Commonwealth after Independence, and have maintained the british monarchy as their ceremonial head of state. Trinidad, Guyana, Dominica, and recently Barbados have transformed into republics and have their own President as head of state. (not sure if Dominica has a president). However, the other islands are yet to, and I do believe that they should hastily head there. Meanwhile, these countries continue to use the old British system to honour their heroes. That is where Viv Richards, Roberts, Richardson, Ambrose come in. Antigua honours its heroes by that system. just like how it might be difficult for Brian Lara of Trinidad to turn down his state's recognition if he is awarded the Trinity Cross, just the same it might be a difficult thing for Richards to say no to his government. It is a difficult to sit at home and judge individuals who have to face things like that directly.

The truth is, this was not the queen or king of England getting up one morning and deciding to honour Richards or Richardson. No, it was the government of Antigua that honoured them. That Sir thing is Antigua's highest award to its citizens, and awarded to Ambrose by his government, not England.

Maybe, we should begin to pressure the remaining governments in the region to move away from this, but don't try to insult each other. There are bigger and more dangerous consequences of British colonialism that are threatening to even destroy the very survival of some places in this region.

johndom90 2024-07-17 11:51:11 

In reply to Besar
Kind sir ,,,are you trying to besmirch the integrity and reputation of those who bore the title proudly...

Sir Walter Raleigh
Sir Francis ( not Henry) Drake could I forget????
Sir Henry Morgan.....Sir Tony Blair.

It is a title to be proudly worn, especially by those who have " benefited " over the past centuries
from his /her Majesty kindly shared largess.

Why do you seek to decry the sacred aplomb?

Raggs 2024-07-17 18:23:17 

Black man should take that title SIR just for upper class snobby nose ruling class brits to address him by that title every time they are in his presence.

doosra 2024-07-17 18:55:40 

In reply to Raggs

that's cheap

Halliwell 2024-07-17 20:19:43 

In reply to Raggs

Funny thing is, they won’t

The rule makers change their rules whenever they like

sgtdjones 2024-07-17 21:28:55 

In reply to Halliwell

Are you giving up your title that Rishi gave you Lord Halliwell?cool

Curtis 2024-07-17 21:29:55 

Instead of Sir and Madam, what do we recommend?

How about Honorable?

Chrissy 2024-07-17 22:56:11 

Anyone who feels honoured to be called Sir or Lady or Dame is a mental slave.
And I don’t give a bloody damn which Caribbean governments thought it was a good idea to perpetuate that BS.

doosra 2024-07-17 23:18:03 

In reply to Chrissy

the man leading the fight for reparation goes by Sir

Chrissy 2024-07-18 00:04:13 

In reply to doosra
Same applies

JahJah 2024-07-18 01:04:28 

In reply to Chrissy

Do the Spanish have a version you'd prefer?

Chrissy 2024-07-18 01:36:58 

In reply to JahJah
I am against the titles of all racist, slave-owning and imperialist countries.
That won’t change the facts that Spain produces great tennis and football players. lol

Brerzerk 2024-07-18 03:14:23 

Bro, yuh trying too hard, Aztecs used to play sup'n akin to football
and yuh cyan equate playing a sport spread by colonialists with accepting
titles bestowed on plunderers and rapists! C'mon man.