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Emir 2024-07-18 12:00:00 

Now, consider this:

Biden gave Israel whatever they wanted to conduct their routine genocide:

Money, Arms, Moral support, blocked UN from taking action, defended Israel globally, punished weaker and smaller nations who spoke up publicly or called out Israel, he personally lied to the American people for Israel, yet last night, a Zionist student from Harvard told the world Biden is the worse and that he is not a supporter of Israel.

I was happy Biden was slammed, after all, this same Biden is the man who ignored the pleading and begging of his solid young progressive base- the very base that put him in power and that very base who the party need to stop Trump.

BTW, the Zionist student, quoting GOD, and saying "Israeli values is American values" described poor migrants seeking a better life in their continent, as savages, murders etc.

Now, tell me who is twisted and I hope folks see that student and his speech and understand what the Palestinians are up against in their own land.

Brerzerk 2024-07-18 12:40:51 

It is amazing how two "ordinary citizens who are Americans can influence US politics because their son left his birthplace to go steal people's land and get caught up in violence. Reminds of Netanyahu getting the iron dome then went to DC through the Republicans backdoor to denounce Obama

Emir 2024-07-18 15:23:35 

In reply to Brerzerk
And Biden, it was rumored knew Nethanyahu plan to make Obama looked small as he Biden was always on the zionist corner. And now Bibi is coming to town to do the same to Biden.

No one should feel sorry for Biden, he has created his own problems and now he is handing Trump the Whitehouse-

XDFIX 2024-07-18 16:05:22 

In reply to Emir

Yeah, they know Trump is the stronger man and this foolish war would be over long ago!

Biden is a timid man, always hesitant in getting things done!

The US cannot afford that mode in the 21st century!

Brerzerk 2024-07-18 16:45:57 

In reply to XDFIX

How would Trump the 'stronger man' ensure the war would be over soon?
How many hostages has Israel rescued (hint less than10% of those they killed)
How many yrs did it take for Israel to get one dege-dege soljah, how many
Palestinian detainees did they swap for him again? 'God bline yuh?' just aksing

VIX 2024-07-18 17:26:59 

Well, Trump soon tek ovah. so Biden is old news. Maybe Trump will throw more support behind Palestine.

XDFIX 2024-07-18 17:42:32 

In reply to Brerzerk

So you think Israel fight this war shrewdly?

You have to use old time war tactics to get out of this mess - a lot of trickery and cunning efforts needed!

You have got to learn to sleep with the enemy!

Israel dump too much resources on this war - guerrilla warfare is still the art of war!

As for Donald Trump, he wouldn't care two hoots about what people think - On the field of battle, he would take no prisoners!

See how he left the Kurd hanging!

XDFIX 2024-07-18 17:51:15 

In reply to Emir

Palestinians are up against in their own land.

It would be very difficult to get people in general schooled in Western ideology to agree with you on that take!

The fact is people don't even think the land in America is owned by them!

There is no way a Christian is gonna read the Bible and agree that the land of Israel belongs to another group of people other than the Israelite or the Jewish people!

Even the Koran says the land belongs to the Jews but they disobey God so the rightful owner is now Muslim!

It's just not realistic for another group of people to lay claim to such a historic land!

In fact, if the Indians were to lay claims to America, one would have to agree it's their land!

The same thing with Jamaica and the Tainos!

The fact is land today is designated by international laws, but don't tell that to the Chinese and Russians!

If you have power you take what you think is yours! Men have always been into land grab locally and internationally!

As I have said many times, the war in Israel is religiously driven! Hamas is playing true to their religion, they do not subscribe to hypocrisy!

Brerzerk 2024-07-18 18:49:48 

In reply to XDFIX

So what would B-Biden or Trump for that matter have to do with Israel's army shrewdness and cunning, give dem mo' 2000lbs bomb?
Oh forgot that's modern warfare.

sudden 2024-07-18 20:42:50 

In reply to XDFIX

What is it that you are really saying?

DukeStreet 2024-07-18 20:59:42 

In reply to Emir

Yeah, who is gonna stop King Trump from dropping that 2000 lb bomb on Israel?

sudden 2024-07-18 23:04:02 

In reply to DukeStreet


Emir 2024-07-19 01:15:29 

In reply to DukeStreet

He may not have too, Biden made sure he destroyed all of it.

bravos 2024-07-19 01:33:00 

In reply to XDFIX

Clearly you're not familiar with the real Jewish people's beliefs on 'Land' and 'State' etc. It is in fact forbidden and written that they must live in peace scattered among different nations which they must remain loyal to until their god returns.

You mixing up 'Jew'and 'Zionist' ..

And we know religion has a morality of it's own, but quoting man made religious literature to justify almost 100 years of REAL wickedness, oppression murder, partitioning, land grabbing, ethnic cleansing and genocide seems almost childish..

bravos 2024-07-19 01:37:06 

In reply to VIX

I hope so..Trump seems to be a realist and down to earth, he's gonna say there's too much death and suffering with not too much to show for it and it has to stop...and America can't afford it etc.. I'm hoping for that simple logic he's known and often ridiculed for to take effect .

Maybe it'll be over before election who knows!!