The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

T&T..Hosay commemoration ends in St James

sgtdjones 7/18/24, 2:34:11 PM
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T&T..Hosay commemoration ends in St James

Rain did not stop Hosay commemorations in St James on Wednesday, as members of the community observed Ashura Day, the final day of the observance. According to researcher Satnarine Balkaransingh, Hosay is held on the first ten days of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. It was brought to TT by indentured labourers who came to work on the sugarcane plantations. It commemorates the martyrdom of Hussein (Hussain), the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed, his younger brother Janab Hazrat Abass (Hassan), and 70 other friends and relatives.

In Trinidad, the first six days consist of fasting, prayer, and building the tadjahs. The final four days are Flag Night, Small Hosay, Big Hosay and Ashura when the tadjahs take part in a procession. They are later disposed of in the sea. Ronald Lakhan of Panchaiti Hosay, leader of one of five tadjahs participating in Wednesday’s procession, said his family had been participating in Hosay ceremonies for the last 180 years. “The Indians that came here from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar brought their culture here to TT.

The Hosay procession has been held annually since 1854, having arrived with indentured labourers from India (from 1845-1917) as a Shia Muslim observance. In 1884, the British authorities banned the event, owing to ostensible concerns about public gatherings. On October 30, 1884, what became known as the Hosay Massacre took place when police in San Fernando fired into the crowd following the procession. Once the crowd had dispersed, 22 people were found dead and another 120 injured.
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JayMor 7/18/24, 4:41:12 PM
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debut: 12/15/02
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In reply to sgtdjones

I mentioned this here before that in my youth "C.Hosay"* was a big celebration in Sav-la-Mar, Westmoreland. I grew up in east-central Hanover, not really near Sav in those times, but my mother took me at around 7 y.o. to witness Hosay one year. I'll never forget the scary-looking costumes and floats (manned by Indo-Yardies) which had me holding on to my mother's frock tail whenever one came close. big grinbig grin I don't know when/why we lost that custom.

*Yes, the C word was used as normal back in those days sans any perjorative significance. I guess we could put it this way: we inherited it from the Brits and didn't know any better then.

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sgtdjones 7/18/24, 6:47:18 PM
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debut: 2/16/17
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In reply to JayMor

Its celebrated in Guyana and Suriname
granite 7/18/24, 6:51:18 PM
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debut: 11/1/13
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I was reading the Jamaica Gleaner recently and saw a small celebration recently,I was surprised,it wasn'e as big as we have in TT but still nice to see it in Yard.