The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

How does a whole society accept that

Brerzerk 7/19/24, 5:33:41 AM
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debut: 3/16/21
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The Media, the 78million, Academia, women....
Trump is an out of control LUNATIC and yet he
he is being handed the presidency by US society
including the democrats who are shoving Biden.

a. House divided must fall
b. Biden won more of the White Male vote than Clinton, Clinton, Obama and Kerry.
c. Shoving Biden and sidelining Kamala will have black women stay at home.
d. Replacing Biden with Kamala will reduce dramatically white swing votes both men and women.
Waiting for Vix's if he isn't secretly pulling out his whip like Fanno Griffiths to gleefully
whip Chump home.lollollol
Emir 7/19/24, 5:49:12 AM
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debut: 8/9/14
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In reply to Brerzerk

Becuase Biden had destroyed 50% of the coalition base that got him elected by his Palestine genocide policy and he has wrecked the other 25% of the coalition because he is clearly too feeble to run.

He really should have or the party should have decided 2 years ago that he was not up to running for a second term.

Young people of all ethnic groups are despondent by Biden.

But alas, there is still a small window of opportunity for the Democrats to make the change and reset. Trump and and his White Nationalist radical Evangelical Christian cult is very beatable, except Biden isn't the one to do it.
Casper 7/19/24, 8:01:09 AM
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In reply to Brerzerk

In reply to Brerzerk

American society (White) would accept and could live with Trump because their lives would not be fundamentally affected, (no lost of their privileges, more of an enhancement), as it would for Blacks and other minorities. MAGA would simply mean back to the good ole days when white supremacy was untouchable and dominant, devoid of pesky things like affirmative action and DEI and having to share power with uppity Blacks and expected to feel guilt for their past actions.

BTW, if I had to roll Biden over the finish line, I would still go with him. Old and looking decrepit as he does these day, he's still the one capable drawing a wider cross-section of Americans to vote for him. A united Democratic Party has all the arguments to scare shit the majority of Americans into voting for them, excluding that solid block of white males who constantly are questioning their manhood without a gun and the nationalist Christian Evangelicals.

Kamala Harris could also win if Biden were to withdraw, provided the white boys in the Democratic party can live with a bit of diminished power or feel confident sharing it, by dancing with ones (majority of Black Americans) who always brung them.
hubert 7/19/24, 11:35:37 AM
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debut: 11/14/02
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In reply to Casper

Agree largely..old Empty Suit is still the best bet to beat the Convict.
Dems will lose handily anyhow...WH and Senate while the Nuts will increase their majority in the House .
The Dems are in total disarray ..I wonder what their convention gonna be like.
Gonna be a totally different America after Nov 7.
Thats how its looking to me
doosra 7/19/24, 12:13:09 PM
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debut: 5/26/04
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In reply to Brerzerk

i have been hearing 2 things

1. neglected poor whites by the Dems

2. for myself, a level of disconnection to the world (education etc) so many Americans display

more recently there is a fear of the white race disappearing...they get a daily dose of that from every corner

Trump gives them hope...and this is a matter that has to be taken seriously in whatever form because any lunatic can come and be elected which then poses a danger to the entire world
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johndom90 7/19/24, 1:01:24 PM
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debut: 4/7/05
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In reply to Brerzerk

and here I thought America was a democracy , of the people and so on ... u know how it goes.

I'm sure the 51 intelligence officers that advised Hillary off Trump's Russian allegiance will agree with you.

The Lunacy of Trump's last Presidency , peace in the world is not something we desire at this time .

We need for the faceless cabal that " assists " Biden , to continue their good work with Kamala as an appropriate replacement. ....
velo 7/19/24, 1:50:08 PM
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debut: 7/29/19
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What is really kamala's base?
sudden 7/19/24, 2:06:49 PM
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debut: 11/27/06
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In reply to doosra

Well put, Doosie

You have restored my faith

In addition, they sense, altho I believe they have been told, that the days of white man running the world is coming to an end.

The age of Aquarius is here. Things that were hidden will be revealed. The God Yahweh who is worshipped will be shown to have been an evil, wicked colonizer who has set the tone for those who believe to conquer and subjugate others in his name

The thing that really bothers me is that from we have seen and from all that we have endured at their hand some blacks and Indians have adopted their ways.

Anyhow Enki will set matters right. If any of us survive the coming renewal of the earth, climatically, geographically, spiritually and politically, we will see what a wonderful world it will be

But they will not go down without a fight even if it means destroying the earth.
sudden 7/19/24, 2:08:59 PM
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debut: 11/27/06
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In reply to johndom90

Honesty, mate, you think Trump could bring peace to this earth?
Emir 7/19/24, 2:49:40 PM
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debut: 8/9/14
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In reply to sudden

The age of Aquarius is here. Things that were hidden will be revealed. The God Yahweh who is worshipped will be shown to have been an evil, wicked colonizer who has set the tone for those who believe to conquer and subjugate others in his name

What flavor is the Kool-Aid you drinking today.
VIX 7/19/24, 3:13:52 PM
VIX avatar image

debut: 2/7/03
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Half of the misfits great merica view the other half as lunatics.

Misfits should know their place and be thankful they're not, as yet, being deported to their shiteholes.
XDFIX 7/19/24, 3:18:08 PM
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debut: 3/2/03
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In reply to Brerzerk

Kamala can't win, even the blind, deaf, and dumb know it!
XDFIX 7/19/24, 3:20:22 PM
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debut: 3/2/03
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In reply to doosra

more recently there is a fear of the white race disappearing...they get a daily dose of that from every corner

Climate change could bring about that, there is reason to fear!
Chrissy 7/19/24, 3:21:35 PM
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In reply to Brerzerk
Racism, patriarchy and a sense of white entitlement.
Trump,is stark raving mad.
sudden 7/19/24, 8:38:15 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
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In reply to Emir

Beware the man of one book

Every God we worship is derived from the Sumerian Gods

The Bible is an amalgam of the stories found in cuneiforms from Sumer, Akkadia etc

Abraham was from a Sumerian village and brought with him all the stories and folklore that emanated therefore, which were curated into the book called the Bible

The main Sumerian Gods were Enlil god of the sky and Enki his half brother God of the Earth

To cut a long story short, Enlil have not a toss after the development of human kind except to colonize them to fight his wars again Enki and his followers

The Bible twisted the tiles to portray Enlil as the good god and Enki as the devil who wanted human to expand his knowledge about the world about him

Enlil wanted to subjugate humankind. The last 5000 or so years were the age of Pisces, a period of rule for Enlil.

The next 5000 and beyond is the age of Aquarius, an awakening for humans when the truth of our origins and purpose will be revealed if we survive the period in between.

The earth has been cleansed by water or fire about 5-10 times already
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Brerzerk 7/19/24, 8:54:04 PM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
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In reply to Chrissy

Very true but one other reason is explained in Niel Gabler's Book 'Life The Movie-How Entertainment Conquered Reality'
Millions still see Trump as this 'successful' businessman/leader in The Apprentice. When The Terminator decided to run
for Cali Governor I saw an interview of a college kid drooling 'oh he's a good leader I watched all his movies, loved them and will be voting for him'
Casper 7/19/24, 9:30:34 PM
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debut: 11/9/18
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In reply to doosra

neglected poor whites by the Dems

Dems have never neglected poor whites. On a per capita basis they enjoy more of the benefits of social programs passed by the Dems. But the white elites in the Republican party have convinced them that whatever Blacks are receiving is at a cost to them.

They stick to their Bibles, wrap themselves in their flag-waving patriotism, and remain steadfast in their gun culture, less those "others" come to get what they have. So, instead of focusing on the rich Trumps of their world who accumulate most of the wealth in the country, they are taught to fear, despise and even hate any "Others" - the descendant of slaves and the new immigrants, out to get what they currently have or what the feel they should have.
doosra 7/23/24, 2:55:35 AM
Halliwell 8/24/24, 8:05:45 PM
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In reply to Brerzerk

It shouldnt be too hard to understand

Even Caribbean migrants, first generation I might add, feel they reach and part of the establishment enough to lend their support lol
XDFIX 8/24/24, 8:58:47 PM
XDFIX avatar image

debut: 3/2/03
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In reply to sudden

Every God we worship is derived from the Sumerian Gods

Surely, you jest, right?
VIX 8/25/24, 2:22:23 AM
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debut: 2/7/03
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In reply to Brerzerk

? He professes to be a conservative, the misfits' merica is mostly conservative. What you really trying to figure out??
nick2020 8/25/24, 2:37:53 AM
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debut: 7/2/12
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In reply to VIX

Misfits should know their place and be thankful they're not, as yet, being deported to their shiteholes.

VIX 8/26/24, 12:17:11 PM
VIX avatar image

debut: 2/7/03
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In reply to nick2020

Indeed!! Whomever wrote that is an astute observer!
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