The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Meanwhile the "Civilians" in Gaza are not so "civil"

WI_cricfan 7/19/24, 2:19:15 PM
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debut: 10/12/06
12,709 runs

In the aftermath of last month’s rescue, neighbors in Nuseirat, a refugee camp in central Gaza, told CNN they were shocked to learn that Ahmed Aljamal, a physician, and his family had kept hostages in their midst.

“Had we known, had he told us, we would have taken safety precautions, hide or move to somewhere else,” one neighbor, Abu Muhammad El Tahrawi, said.

Dr. Aljamal, 74, was a general practitioner and also led the call to prayer at the local mosque, waking early every day to get there before dawn.
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velo 7/19/24, 2:29:45 PM
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debut: 7/29/19
4,143 runs

Meanwhile israel has hundreds of palestinians including children locked up in jails without charges and tortured under a law that most countries would find unconstitutional and against international law. You have to speak to all the facts not the ones you want to hear
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doosra 7/19/24, 2:37:44 PM
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debut: 5/26/04
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In reply to velo

remind him
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sudden 7/19/24, 2:38:42 PM
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debut: 11/27/06
53,341 runs

In reply to velo

The only time I can agree with you
Emir 7/19/24, 2:43:30 PM
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debut: 8/9/14
18,189 runs

In reply to WI_cricfan

You quickly jumped up and held on to one single story from the same media who is doing everything to sanitize the genocide.

Didn't take long, didn't it.

BTW, According to international law, anyone who is engaged in the occupation or serves in an army- like all the European immigrants in Palestine who calls themselves Israelis, are not civilians but are soldiers, therefore they can be treated as enemy combatants by the oppressed Palestinians.

The Palestinians have however, treated them like civilians.
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granite 7/19/24, 3:03:35 PM
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debut: 11/1/13
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In reply to WI_cricfan

KYS!!!!!! and doh bodder show yuh face again.
WI_cricfan 7/19/24, 3:05:05 PM
WI_cricfan avatar image

debut: 10/12/06
12,709 runs

In reply to doosra

according to Velo the next time you post consider this:
You have to speak to all the facts not the ones you want to hear
WI_cricfan 7/19/24, 3:05:46 PM
WI_cricfan avatar image

debut: 10/12/06
12,709 runs

In reply to granite

truth is not cheap...duh sell yourself short
XDFIX 7/19/24, 3:28:02 PM
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debut: 3/2/03
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In reply to WI_cricfan

truth is not cheap

WI_cricfan 7/19/24, 3:39:17 PM
WI_cricfan avatar image

debut: 10/12/06
12,709 runs

In reply to velo

Have you contacted CNN about this story and vpice your concern. If not I strongly encourage you to do that.

Here are the reporters
Florence Davey-Attlee, Ibrahim Dahman, Eyad Kourdi, Jeremy Diamond and Avery Schmitz, CNN
sudden 7/19/24, 8:35:11 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,341 runs

The truth is cheap

You just have the say it

Lies require a lot of contortion

However as I was taught, the best way to lie is to tell the strictest truth