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SO The Atherly Interview with Shamar

powen001 2024-07-19 20:22:18 

I really enjoyed it.

Surely yall would have discussed it already..

But I want to add this.

I have heard the chatter about SHIV...and how he too come from the Back woods and Rivers and all that...and yet...He represented us.

The only thankful thing for me is that on THIS such awful statements have been read about Shamar.

I still have a visit to Guyana on my Bucket list...too many family members I am yet to meet.

I wish the young man all the best...and for Heavens sake...A good Physio who can advise him and the coaches and Captains not harm the Goods.

All for now.

Ridge 2024-07-19 20:48:22 

In reply to powen001

Wonderful interview.

Curtis 2024-07-19 20:51:39 

Didn't see it

doosra 2024-07-19 20:51:54 

In reply to powen001

Athens understands wi and Guyana culture and struggles etc more than most foreign cricketers
He pikney dem got gt bloodsmile

voiceofreason 2024-07-19 20:57:17 

Nice interview - Really authentic- Family oriented. That village life is how life should be for me simple. I chuckled when he said he got his Mom wifi.

A little taken back by the title 'Boy' from Baracara.

Chrissy 2024-07-19 21:30:27 

In reply to doosra
His wife’s aunt was my classmate

doosra 2024-07-19 21:34:23 

In reply to Chrissy

One of the younger De Caires?

powen001 2024-07-19 22:14:56 

In reply to voiceofreason

I didnt let it get to me..

Its the alliteration and the interview itself overshadowed any indications of malice.

It was in all honesty very very authentic.

The Internet for Mom was touching smile

powen001 2024-07-19 22:17:39 

In reply to Curtis

The channel on FLOW ( rush sports) will do a repeat tonight..I think its unedited and I expect to see it shown again too.

It was worth the 30 minutes..

He interviewed Shepherd and his brother , mom and sister...and President Ali told no lies about how his feat from humble beginnings has fired us all up again.