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BIDEN sense of entitlement

Emir 2024-07-19 21:50:28 

He need to stop acting as if he is owed something.

He is feeble, sickly and his mental state is deteriorating daily, yet he refuse to pass the baton and so doing he is is giving Trump the presidency.

1Desiabnu 2024-07-19 22:01:41 

In reply to Emir

Yes, but Kamla is already on record as saying that they are trying to overlook her because she's black woman. The optics will be terrible if they go in any other direction, but she's probably the one person who would lose decisively to Trump. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Emir 2024-07-19 22:15:30 

In reply to 1Desiabnu

Agree but the stakes are too high and that risk must be taken

VIX 2024-07-19 22:25:33 

Sense if entitlement is all about being a great merikan.
Even the misfits when they return to the Caribbean expect to be treated like royalty. And are shocked when they're not!

bravos 2024-07-20 00:26:17 

In reply to VIX

smile 'Freshwater Yankees' ?

VIX 2024-07-20 00:51:11 

In reply to bravos

Yep! And misfits!

InHindsight 2024-07-20 01:15:35 

In reply to Emir

Who created the monster? By now it's a lost cause. The horses have bolted. Time is far spent. Lost case. Karma or devine providence, we get the reprieve we need.