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Mind the tiles Joseph

Wasp 2024-07-20 11:53:59 

Looking good

powen001 2024-07-20 11:57:53 

In reply to Wasp

nice one lol.

dont just mind the windows- Mind the ROOF! lol

Wasp 2024-07-20 12:07:13 

In reply to powen001


Wasp 2024-07-20 12:08:09 

Joseph deserves time at the wicket....looking like he can produce runs

BeatDball 2024-07-20 12:11:42 

In reply to powen001 They might require Guyneez greenheart wood for repairs! big grin

Wasp 2024-07-20 12:13:27 

In reply to BeatDball

Lol... that great one there big grin

Logic 2024-07-20 12:23:07 

Good stuff by DaSiva and Joseph. But cant believe DaSilva was telling Shamar to get in line against Wood. I know he would have liked a ton but you got to think team. If Joseph got injured the extra runs would be meaningless

Ray123 2024-07-20 12:36:04 

In reply to Wasp

Joseph has the range to be an all rounder. He has great hand eye coordination and most of all a big heart. If he learns to tighten up his defense to good balls he can average 25 to 30.

powen001 2024-07-20 12:47:27 

In reply to BeatDball

They might require Guyneez greenheart wood for repairs!

and Order them from Shamar DADDY too!! big grin