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Emir 2024-07-20 12:08:01 

When the most senior party people are telling you to quit, and you get vex as opposed to accepting advice form your own people who supported you, it tell the nation, you are unable to make proper decision and this unfit to run again.

Casper 2024-07-20 14:08:10 

In reply to Emir

I say, hang in there Biden. The elites want to take out Kamala and you are in their way. Yes, some may be concerned about your ability to stay the course, but it’s couched in dirty power play politics. That politics sees the status and power of Kamala in a Biden second term as impregnable and thus a shoo-in for 2028.

A second Biden term could deMAGAfy American politics and drown that evil baby in progressive water saturated with good economic policies and a growing economy buttressed by the Inflation Reduction Act which would come into full force and with maximum impact during a second Biden term. Lose this election and MAGA Republicans would take all the credit for the success of the IRA.

Dems need to turn their fire on Trump and the Republicans with their plans to Make America Jim Crow Again, and not on Biden. Do than forcibly and the American people would care less about Biden’s age, his gait, his gaffes and care more about the success of his policies.

Emir 2024-07-20 14:25:14 

In reply to Casper

Dems need to turn their fire on Trump and the Republicans with their plans to Make America Jim Crow Again,

Agree 100%. The problem is the man who is suppose to lead that fight, has showed voters he can hardly walk on his own or complete a sentence.

Voters cannot unsee what they saw of him and are seeing daily.

Emir 2024-07-20 14:27:05 

In reply to Casper

A second Biden term could deMAGAfy American politics and drown that evil baby in progressive water


Casper 2024-07-20 17:07:08 

In reply to Emir

You must understand how power and politics work in America. Bibi is coming next week to make his pitch to the American right-wing and the Christian Nationalists. He will attempt to further humiliate Biden like he has done numerous times before.

However, Biden knows he has to bite his tongue until he gets over this election. Don’t ruffle too many feathers at this point in time, profess his support for Israel and bide his time until he’s reelected.

Palestinian supporters , especially, young people have to see this through period and yet vote for Biden. I expect a change in course early in the next Biden administration as to how it supports Israel, particularly if Bibi is still around “genociding”.

For all the reasons clear to see, progressives, those on left of centre, women, suburbanites, blacks and other minorities, along with independents must vote to ensure America does not take the dark path towards an authoritarian dictatorship.

They will and must recognize that differences on policies with Biden must take second place to a clear-eyed vision of where they prefer to see America go, and certainly not the White Supremacist, Christian Nationalist, male dominated, racist, anti-immigrant hellhole MAGA Republicans have in mind for the country.

Complain all they want now about Biden and some of his policies they don’t agree with, but refuse to vote for him, come this November, and accept the consequences of their decisions.

JOJO 2024-07-20 17:20:55 

In reply to Casper

You must understand how power and politics work in America.

The guy does not understand shit. And to add to this, he just makes up stuff.

If he really understood anything, he would have realized that the efforts to get rid of Biden (AND Harris) are being driven by people who are some of the most hardline supporters of Israel.

Don’t you find it interesting that Biden’s strongest supporters in all of this are those on the left like Sanders and AOC?

hubert 2024-07-20 17:52:59 

In reply to Casper

I share your sentiments fully. But can you imagine if Biden ,against all odds, remains and win a second Term ?
He would be vested with all the powers issued by the SC that were meant for the Fascist Con, and would
be the most powerful President Ever.
He could within 100 days, purge or disposed of all his detractors,especially the elected ones in his own party(Except for the Obamas)
and enact policies that would cause harm to donors and other big wigs who would have played a strong hand in belittling and embarassed him.

That however is not in Biden's makeup. And if he dared to embark on such Kamala would be President within a
But all fun aside ,America is in a murky state and whatever the result in November,it won't get any better...not in he near term.
A serious revolution of some kind is beckoning as I see it.sad

nick2020 2024-07-20 20:19:47 

In reply to JOJO

Let me bring you up to speed.

Emir has his knives out for Biden since the war.

nickoutr 2024-07-20 20:35:47 

pelosi's nephew is next in line according to the elites

Emir 2024-07-20 20:43:49 

In reply to Casper

If you understand how the coalition that got Biden elected and were willing to reelect him regardless of MAGA and the White Evangelical Radical Right.

They told Biden no genocide, polls showed a majority of Americans would support the Palestinians but Biden is an old Zionist, he ignored they pleading.

Instead he went the way of the elitist White Liberal establishment with AIPAC.

Now he is in the doldrums and the base is not coming to his s rescue

Also understand the progressives, like AOC want him gone but they want Kamala, others do not.

Biden made this entire mess, even if he couldn’t walk more than two steps and failed to complete a sentence, the base would have stand by him, but for love of the Zionist.

Emir 2024-07-20 20:47:46 

In reply to JOJO

Jackass, AOC doesn’t care about Biden anymore since he defended and financed genocide, she instead wants to make sure her support for removal results in Kamala as the candidate and that is not clear so she is hedging

When you learn more about the system and politics, come beck here but in the meantime shut up and learn.

Emir 2024-07-20 20:49:32 

In reply to nick2020

Which war Bro?

There is not war is Palestine, there is a genocide going on.

As for the war in Ukraine, I remain neutral.

nick2020 2024-07-20 22:15:41 

In reply to Emir

The genocide.

nick2020 2024-07-20 22:16:24 

In reply to Emir

Why are you neutral? Because no Muslims involved?

Emir 2024-07-20 23:49:40 

In reply to nick2020

Why did you bring religion? Palestinians are of all faith

I am neutral because they understand what Russia wants and many in Ukraine do not support their government.

American weapons should not be used.

nickoutr 2024-07-21 01:04:02 

The Hilderbeast is waiting in the shadows ... she made on tv appearances recently supporting biden