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Emir 2024-07-21 17:11:20 

To the apartheid, rogue and illegal state of Israel.

The Tories would be proud and it is as if they are still in power.


=988224446173536&aggr_v_ids[1]=452073954307658&aggr_v_ids[2]=480371434579128&notif_id=1721361460229699&notif_t=watch_follower_video&ref=notif]Arms for Genocide

Chrissy 2024-07-21 17:15:57 

In reply to Emir

And you are surprised because?

Emir 2024-07-21 18:10:36 

In reply to Chrissy

Nah, just pointing it out to those who still see this white liberal labor party as their own just like the white liberals in the Democratic party here.

hubert 2024-07-21 18:40:11 

In reply to Emir

The day USA and Britain desert Israel is the Day God comes for his world.
These three are bounded together and that bond stays regardless of which Party is in power
in UK or USA.
It should be noted that ALL three are in serious decline on may levels too stemming
from the evil that they have done and continue to do...
Look at USA..they could have a CONVICT leading the country come January.
He will be Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander of all Armed Forces ..
and his hand on THE best Nuclear armament that Exists.
Chew on that and tell me if you don't get the chills.lollol

steveo 2024-07-22 13:17:17 

Emir 2024-07-22 15:06:38 

In reply to hubert

Yep, big chills

Brerzerk 2024-07-22 15:51:01 

In reply to hubert

Sad part is once US n GB coddles Israel France, Germany indeed the rest of the West/Nato including Oz n NZ are forced to, Japan even.
A perfect blackmail. It has caused so much trouble in the world since '48. So much conflict, murder and mayhem leads right back to it.

doosra 2024-07-22 15:52:11 

why is anyone surprised

just check, for example, the affiliations and narratives of the foreign secretary

Emir 2024-07-23 11:07:02 

In reply to doosra

why is anyone surprised

Who is? Did any poster said they were.?