The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Mass killer who ‘hunted’ black people

Cricket_101 7/22/24, 8:56:18 PM
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Jumpstart 7/22/24, 9:47:59 PM
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debut: 11/30/17
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In reply to Cricket_101

the SA government never seriously went after the apartheid criminals and almost all of them who faced a court from Eugene de Kock to Ferdie Barnard were released early. Some like the murderers of the Craddock 4 never faced a trial before they died despite appearing before the TRC and having their applications for amnesty refused for not making a full disclosure, thus making them still liable to face a criminal trial. Mandela, in his attempt to keep SA one, made many concessions that sacrificed justice on the table of expediency. Nobody was arrested for arming renamo armed bandits in mozambique, who were responsible for the lion's share of the over 1 million people that died in that country's civil war.

ironically the guy's daughter had a child for a black man
Brerzerk 7/22/24, 10:02:14 PM
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debut: 3/16/21
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BeatD and Dem soon show you black serial killers who killed black people. They gonna call it BnB serial killings
JayMor 7/23/24, 1:41:34 AM
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In reply to Jumpstart

Beware by Mutabaruka.
Equal Rights and Justice by Tosh.

JayMor 7/23/24, 1:44:43 AM
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In reply to Cricket_101

Why must we take so many blows? Nobody gwine convince me dat de God bizniz work, Iyah. cry

sudden 7/23/24, 2:17:01 AM
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debut: 11/27/06
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In reply to JayMor

Just ask yourself this. How can our slave masters’ god and our god be the same?

I think you will have your answer if you are honest with yourself

Good news- we have entered the Age of Aquarius

All will be made right in time or rather from this time

It will be chaotic becos Enlil (Yahweh of the Jew and Xian Bible) and his crew will not go down without a fight

But the end will be like heaven on earth
JayMor 7/23/24, 6:19:15 PM
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debut: 12/15/02
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In reply to sudden

I had to go search up the "Age of Aquarius" stuff. LOL. Astrology but still interesting.

How can our slave masters’ god and our god be the same?
Perfectly agree! The thing is, even if we should want to stick with Christianity, there are still the Coptic and Orthodox ones of Ethiopia, Egypt, etc. that would make more sense. I'll give a bligh for earlier times (slavery and post-slavery), but why the need to stay with the Euro-filtered forms? Mind you, God, Allah, Jah, Yahweh, Shiva, Vishnu, Jade Emperor, yadda yadda yadda-- they're all figments of man's imagination.

sudden 7/23/24, 11:58:12 PM
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debut: 11/27/06
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In reply to JayMor

Well, there you go, mate

It depends on how God is defined.

If by God you mean, the cosmos and all things within it, I agree
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BeatDball 7/24/24, 12:27:26 AM
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debut: 7/20/14
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Yeah Yeah...up de tempo, as elections soon come, more racially tinge stories... yeah man, bring them on. Ah suh alyuh stay! But, every facting weekend in Chitcago... toddlers to granny being shot & WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE???? Zero, nought, nothing, etc. NOTHING!!!! evil
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Priapus 7/26/24, 8:36:18 PM
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debut: 12/30/14
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He is no more. Gone to meet his maker. Good riddance!!.
JayMor 7/26/24, 9:14:09 PM
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debut: 12/15/02
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In reply to Priapus

This is one time I wish I were a 'believer' because I'd feel comfy in the thought that he would be burning in Hell. Bastard!

An infuriating read.

velo 7/26/24, 9:35:04 PM
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debut: 7/29/19
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In reply to JayMor

you should watch the documentary it's on youtube it really gives you alot more indepth information on this case he had a daughter who married a black man she ended up killing her mother and spent twenty years in jail for this one murder but he spent 12 for killing multiple people
JayMor 7/26/24, 11:19:00 PM
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debut: 12/15/02
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In reply to velo

OK, that must be this one (I also see what must be a vlogger's posting). Thank you, Velo. Off to catch a local footie match now bt that's a must watch.

JayMor 7/28/24, 5:42:10 PM
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debut: 12/15/02
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In reply to velo

Yes, Velo, I 'muscled up' and made time to watch it last evening. What a monster! Unrepentant to his death bed. Then that SA police force of the day! We black people must be the most tolerant and forgiving.

I also took in the vlogger's post I mentioned-- another sobering one. It's a great complement to the Beeb's doc, highlighting how unfair the world is-- would you believe after his prison time he got a lucrative job running a gov't co-operative to benefit black people?

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velo 7/29/24, 4:23:09 PM
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debut: 7/29/19
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In reply to JayMor
now that is crazy one of the criticisms of mandela and the anc was not being able to prosecute alot of the apartheid era abusers.
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