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Emir 2024-07-22 20:23:50 

The main street media won't say it but they know it. Biden bow out is not only due to his age, even if he was 10 years younger, the polls would have been the same.

The progressive base of the party, that got him to victory at the last election, and without us, he had to chance to winning this year.

Our advocacy, our protesting, our ability to stay strong and stay united despite the scare tactics from the white liberal camp, we did not waver. We said "NO TO GENOCDIE JOE AND HELL NO WE WON'T GO"

Now Kamala will be the nominee, a week ago, the white libs and centrists were looking at others, but we still did not relent, millions of progressives grass-roots supporters stood firm on her.

Now Kamala know our power, we got her back and she has ours.

We are seeing it now: She has said NO, she will not be in the charade when Israeli Genocide PM Netanyahu is shamelessly hosted in the house.

nick2020 2024-07-22 21:17:05 

In reply to Emir

She won't publicly denounce Israel.
You don't seem to understand.

sudden 2024-07-22 22:07:34 

In reply to nick2020

Her husband is Jewish as is Keir Starmer’s wife

Emir 2024-07-22 22:21:08 

In reply to sudden

Don't confuse the great Jewish faith with Zionism. Indeed a significant percentage of Jews do not support Israel's genocide and some of the biggest allies against genocide is our Jewish Brothers and Sisters.

I meet frequently with Rabbis and other faith leaders and we are united. No religion support genocide, only racist people do and Zionism is racism.

Emir 2024-07-22 22:23:11 

[b]In reply to nick2020[

[quote]She won't publicly denounce Israel.[/quote

No one is asking her to do so and no one is expecting her to do so.

She has and will continue to condemn genocide.

When will you understand this. Geez man.

Emir 2024-07-24 12:11:24 

Nick & Sudden gorn once the facts is laid out?

XDFIX 2024-07-24 14:58:24 

In reply to Emir

She has and will continue to condemn genocide.

You must be the only one who is crying genocide - u need to understand how the term is used in law!

Brerzerk 2024-07-24 16:38:48 

I'm not sure progressives won. AOC, Bernie, et al were all vouching for Biden to run. It was more centrists who panicked and shoved him
even though some reputable polls showed the national race within the margin of error. Until Kamala outlines her tax policy, IT policy re Silicon Valley, Wall Street views
and extent of continuing the infrastructure bills requirement will we really know who won anything? If Chump has any chance of a squeaker we'll certainly know who lost and what.

Emir 2024-07-24 17:05:32 

In reply to XDFIX

Actually no, the majority of Americans and the vast majority of the global community are “crying genocide.”

Only savages and those who don’t care for human life will not admit it.

Now, go look at the mirror and you will see a person who use religion to support genocide.

Khaga 2024-07-24 17:42:35 

In reply to Emir

Only savages and those who don’t care for human life will not admit it.

Good to see this becoming mainstream to characterize such acts..