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I was not a Kamala person, but after that walk-on speech

birdseye 2024-07-22 22:47:28 

I was not a Kamala person, but after that walk-on speech she gave today---I am now a believer. She has the goods to steamroll trump. That personality, guile and intellectual astuteness can and will dismantle Trump. Trump and his elk is not in her class, not close. She is super formidable --- to quote Chrissy - watch the ride

sudden 2024-07-22 22:52:52 

In reply to birdseye

I want AOC or Maxwell Frost or even Jasmine Crockett

birdseye 2024-07-22 23:00:37 

In reply to sudden

big grinbig grinbig grin - you looking for trouble

birdseye 2024-07-22 23:32:18 

When I was a little primary school boy in Jamaica there were a couple of Jamaican Lawyers, Ian Ramsay QC, Vivian Blake QC and Dudley Thompson that had a weekly Sunday night radio/tv show that I couldn’t miss. I loved everything about those men discussing issues, their flair, elegance, mannerisms, in a word, their savoir faire, mannerisms was simply mesmerizing…kamala’s speech today took me back to my childhood and those guys. Pure class, pure elegance

Chrissy 2024-07-22 23:53:53 

In reply to birdseye
Kamala is a very accomplished lady.

birdseye 2024-07-23 00:44:12 

In reply to Chrissy

Kamala is a very accomplished lady.
Guess I use to read the negative stuff of her prosecuting young black people for smoking Marijuana, and recommending harsh sentences for minor legal infractions trying to make a name. But today she just comes across as super confident, dynamic and capable

VIX 2024-07-23 11:34:30 

Breaking news:
Harry the homeless hobo from Houston named democratic candidate!!!

Birdseye, other misfits:
Well, i was never a Harry person, but after seeing him panhandling that 5 bucks, I'm on the Harry boat!!


Casper 2024-07-23 12:31:38 

That damn bug crawling on my computer screen and not knowing where the hell it wants to go is very ANNOYING.

I wonder what it says about.............wink wink wink

camos 2024-07-23 13:32:18 

In reply to birdseye

Bro! she has grown enormously in the last couple of years, unaware to most people!

Brerzerk 2024-07-23 15:21:09 

She has regained her California election campaign (District Attorney/Attorney Gen) mojo. Then, she was really good. Her Pres campaign was wishy washy i.e. not clear on the issues, unconvincing broadside against Biden that suggested it was just a pre-planned attack without deep conviction. That Biden showed grace and 'called her in' seemed to have given her renewed confidence. Still not sure she'll win and win big (needed)

birdseye 2024-07-23 20:39:03 

In reply to Brerzerk

Whatever it is, her personality and body language is stellar at the moment. Just hope she doesn’t let the pressures of the challenges change that

birdseye 2024-07-23 20:43:16 

In reply to VIX

Birdseye, other misfits:
Well, i was never a Harry person, but after seeing him panhandling that 5 bucks, I'm on the Harry boat!!
WOW! Good to know you are not stuck in one gearsmile

XDFIX 2024-07-23 21:02:07 

In reply to birdseye

I can't recall that radio program and I was knee deep in media - which station, do you remember?

That said, Netanyahu is in town, Kamala husband is a Jew!

Drapsey 2024-07-23 21:32:31 

In reply to VIX

Your standards are low. redface

XDFIX 2024-07-23 22:39:51 

In reply to birdseye

Her best speech yet, but will she get the buy in? People in my cabal are saying Democrats do not walk the the talk!

birdseye 2024-07-23 22:40:58 

In reply to XDFIX

I can't recall that radio program and I was knee deep in media - which station, do you remember?
i think it was JBC - dont quite remember --- use to come on Sunday nights...they also were contributors to a Monthly magazine - the Public Opinion" which i subscribed to when i moved to the US...

sudden 2024-07-23 23:53:41 

In reply to XDFIX

A man tells you I will kill your innocent children if I get elected. He gets elected and does

Years later another man says I will kill your innocent children if I get elected. He gets elected and doesn’t

The first guy kept his promise and should be supported again.He is a great leader

The other guy never kept his promise and should not be supported again. He is a weak leader

Chrissy 2024-07-24 01:07:26 

Hilarious cartoon

bravos 2024-07-24 04:04:53 

In reply to Chrissy


dayne 2024-07-24 10:16:08 

It is important that the Democrats win because it would take the life out of the MAGA cult. That alone is a good reason to vote for whoever is the Democratic nominee.

BeatDball 2024-07-24 10:19:29 

In reply to sudden You mean you don't like cackling Kamala?! big grin

PS. That laughter is so annoying... here's a goady question for alyuh - why has 80% of her staff has gone to Cove & John?

Brerzerk 2024-07-24 16:46:02 

In reply to BeatDball

That laugh is far less annoying than you are to the folks in the barbershop and at Cove n John

Drapsey 2024-07-24 21:38:13 

Listen to Kamala in her Jamaican accent


Drapsey 2024-07-25 13:09:17 


JayMor 2024-07-26 17:45:17 

In reply to Drapsey

Not bad. I expect to see many more of these now. And I wouldn't be surprised to see the Repugs find a Yardie turncoat somewhere to lay some eediat claim or other. Didn't they dig up a Kenyan half-bro of the O-man, trying a ting? Thanks for the link.


Drapsey 2024-07-26 23:06:58 

In reply to JayMor

Thanks for responding about the linked video. It took a lot of effort to find the link on the internet so I could share it here.

I think this Julie Mango comedian is a riot. I've seen her in quite a few other videos.

JayMor 2024-07-27 14:48:07 

Julie Mango, eh? OK, I'll look her up.

BTW, where do you fall on the Julie vs East Indian debate? That nuff-meat, flat-seed delight called Julie cannot be beaten, even with the sweet juciness of East Indian. big grin


Brerzerk 2024-07-27 21:38:49 

In reply to JayMor

Less hard fiber and more pulpy flesh is enough to make Julie the winner. East Indian better flavor though