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Emir 2024-07-24 12:27:45 

Elon Musk is the type of immigrant we do not need and want. His destructive philosophy is akin to Apartheid South Africa. If an immigrant of the same level of wealth like Musk was on the other side- a "rabid" leftist, the right would have called to revoke his green card.

But what has driven him? Why a man who benefitted from the evil dollars of apartheid, sons of white European invaders in Africa, a man who has never lived in his native land in Europe, why will he be so hateful and nasty to people of color and in whose country he now live and where he made his fortune?

A possible explanation: During COVID, his son apparently became disillusioned, depressed and suicidal. A sad but not too unfamiliar story for untold tens of thousands of children during the pandemic.

According to Elon, his son wanted to become a girl and no longer wanted to keep his penis, he wanted a full girl's body. Elon, after a scary period of consultations with counsellors, agreed and gave permission for the transition from male to female. He was "told that his son will commit suicide" if the change was not made.

Regardless of one's wealth, prestige and power, it is exactly situations like these, a father's pain has no boundaries and a sense of helplessness take over.

Musk has now realized, how greatly he was misled by people who has a destructive agenda under the banner of LGBTQ, and to daily see his beloved son's body grotesquely butchered by gender change surgery and the freak-ness of it all, is perhaps a pain too much to bear, thus his anger to all things left?