The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

First world policing in the USA

JahJah 7/24/24, 6:49:25 PM
JahJah avatar image

debut: 12/6/03
83,169 runs

Sonya Massey shot dead for rebuking that devil of a cop, who threatened to shoot her in face as a result.

He kept his promise.

The filth probably didn't know what rebuke meant.


To borrow from hubert...something is wrong with Amerikkka. Full of neo nazi uneducated policemen and women.

An alleged first world country. Imagine that, when other similar countries have properly trained and educated law enforcement.
ray 7/24/24, 6:53:06 PM
ray avatar image

debut: 2/7/03
23,188 runs

Most cops are everywhere else, you have your bad eggs
velo 7/24/24, 7:13:52 PM
velo avatar image

debut: 7/29/19
4,143 runs

In reply to JahJah

Are you painter you seem to like to paint everything with the same brush
sgtdjones 7/24/24, 8:17:37 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,394 runs

In reply to velo


Treat Ms Zsa Zsa with respect...
Chrissy 7/24/24, 8:59:47 PM
Chrissy avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
195,010 runs

In reply to JahJah
yuh see it - this has been going on for centuries
pelon 7/25/24, 2:35:23 PM
pelon avatar image

debut: 3/22/08
7,940 runs

In reply to ray

Most cops are everywhere else, you have your bad eggs

Agree that the vast majority are good.
The ratio of "bad cops" varies though, and the bad egg count is higher in US.
Then add the layer of race. Being a black person in USA, if you interact with a cop, your mortality risk is measurably greater than most other countries. In the south, this is somewhat magnified.
Optimistically, I want to believe this statistic can improve, but the culture in many districts perpetuates these aggressive individuals that see themself as judge, jury and executioner....
nick2020 7/25/24, 2:57:50 PM
nick2020 avatar image

debut: 7/2/12
28,699 runs

In reply to pelon

good to see you around.
Brerzerk 7/25/24, 5:12:04 PM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
11,145 runs

In reply to nick2020

But more importantly let us thank him for giving a solid lesson to those of the vacuous comments on the subject
JahJah 7/25/24, 8:59:10 PM
JahJah avatar image

debut: 12/6/03
83,169 runs

In reply to velo

If I were a painter, I would paint STDjones out of existence.

I'd also paint you a brain and get Dukes to implant it.
- edited -
JahJah 7/25/24, 9:01:12 PM
JahJah avatar image

debut: 12/6/03
83,169 runs

In reply to ray

Most cops are everywhere else, you have your bad eggs

May I ask how you determined that most cops are good? I keep hearing this knee jerk styled response.

With the amount of fully rotten departments in the USA that keep popping up how did you personally quantify the goodness of USA police?