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Joe Biden on south Africa in 1986

birdseye 2024-07-24 22:55:33 


Emir 2024-07-24 23:23:51 

In reply to birdseye

Thanks for sharing, a great reminder of how USA through the horrible Reagan and the equally nasty British Thatcher defended, protected and did trade with the evil apartheid regime and they called it "constructive engagement."

Does it sound similar today with the Zionist regime? The Irony is Biden has forgotten and he is now allowing the same oppression to happen to the Palestinians.

birdseye 2024-07-24 23:33:01 

In reply to Emir

Watch his speech coming up @ 8:00 PM

birdseye 2024-07-24 23:37:15 

In reply to Emir

No man is an island - in politics you have to thread many delicate and complicated needles at the same time

JayMor 2024-07-25 04:05:47 

In reply to birdseye

Wow, brash and to the point. But moreover, correct! That man will perhaps never be properly or fully accredited for all he's done. The Anita Hill / Uncle Thomas episode puts a damper on his shine, and his apparent kowtowing to Israel. But the mixed bag has some real goodies in it.


ray 2024-07-25 13:07:21 


Emir 2024-07-25 13:34:18 

In reply to birdseye

in politics you have to thread many delicate and complicated needles at the same time

In politics, true leaders seize historical moments and lead men out of mayhem and darkness, stopping wholesale genocide and putting your hand up against terrorism, especially when the vast majority of the world wants you to do so

It is NOT a "delicate and complicated needle" to "thread" at all.

InHindsight 2024-07-26 13:42:22 

In reply to Emir

You got your candidate Kamala. She ain't flip flopping like Joe was to win vote. She's radical she far left.

Are you Muslim, and if so are you a liberal?

VIX 2024-07-26 14:35:54 

In reply to birdseye

wow! that guy in his prime would have demolished Trump!

XDFIX 2024-07-26 14:36:30 

In reply to InHindsight

Emir will say or do anything to get Jews out of their promised land - the want of Jerusalem at any cost!

velo 2024-07-26 15:49:45 

In reply to InHindsight

More like a xenophobesmile