The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Sad to see the number of black people going GOP

nick2020 7/25/24, 2:18:40 PM
nick2020 avatar image

debut: 7/2/12
28,699 runs

Talk about voting against your self interest.

No matter how bad things could get for black people economically the answer could never be the party beholden to the nationalists and white supremacists. They will never care for you and only want your vote.

Calling Kamala a DEI hire is just another example of how at best out of touch and at worst misogynistic and racist too many of them are. I really would love to see the party pay the ultimate price for bowing to Trumpism but I fear it is a reflection of much the country.
Emir 7/25/24, 2:28:32 PM
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debut: 8/9/14
18,189 runs

In reply to nick2020

Talk about voting against your self interest

You mean economic self interest. The same could be said for working class Euro-Americans.,

But here is the thing, they don't see it that way. It is much more complicated. If you take a deep dive into why some African Americans have moved to MAGA/Trump, you will discover the one thing they have in common is they are from very radical fundamentalist Evangelical Christian churches.

The churches are very different and must not be associated with those mighty great traditional African Americans churches- where GOD is actually present, where so much great movements and ideas were started.

We are also seeing some traditional Latino or Hispanic also move to MAGA Trump and the same commonality- these Latinos have left their traditional Hispanic Catholic churches and moved to radical tele-evangelical churches.

This strain of Christianity is toxic, is expansive and has a goal of global domination through fake teaching of Jesus, by use of wars and terror and conversion.
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nick2020 7/25/24, 2:55:40 PM
nick2020 avatar image

debut: 7/2/12
28,699 runs

In reply to Emir

If you take a deep dive into why some African Americans have moved to MAGA/Trump, you will discover the one thing they have in common is they are from very radical fundamentalist Evangelical Christian churches.

I do not believe this so you would need to show me the numbers. The last stat I saw on blacks and denomination did not suggest this and I believe the bulk of those churches have white pastors and a white congregation.
velo 7/25/24, 3:18:30 PM
velo avatar image

debut: 7/29/19
4,143 runs

it is partly economic how would you feel if you are working two jobs or dont have a job and suddenly the government suddenly bring in a influx of immigrants from all parts.and give them things that they did not give people that were actually born there you going keep voting for them ?they are trying to recall the mayor of chicago for this same issue.
Emir 7/25/24, 3:38:08 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,189 runs

In reply to velo

influx of immigrants from all parts.and give them things that they did not give people that were actually born there you going keep voting for them ?they are trying to recall the mayor of chicago for this same issue.

That is the MAGA narrative but is it is not factual and the Democrats have not done enough to counter that argument and provide fact base economic and tax data.

For example, under Biden tax policy, a working class American pay no federal taxes if you file as head of hh and are making under $40k. In addition, that family will also receive EITC- actual dollar amounts of aid. In many states, that family will also qualify for Medicaid.

Also, immigrant cannot and do not VOTE- Only American citizens- those "natural born or naturalized."

In addition, many new arrivals- legal and illegal- take jobs no one wants such as farm labor, elder care- a stark need here. And illegal immigrants run away from the anything that can break the law, they want to remain low (MAGA provide the odd case of an illegal immigrant breaking the law etc ) they do not and cannot qualify for federal housing assistance or food stamps etc.
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ray 7/25/24, 3:40:25 PM
ray avatar image

debut: 2/7/03
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In reply to velo

The idea about giving immigrants a start is you don't want to see them living on the streets....even I get frustrated seeing this. USA gives billions to other nations as's a pittance compared to what's given to people living here
velo 7/25/24, 4:00:52 PM
velo avatar image

debut: 7/29/19
4,143 runs

In reply to Emir
i'm talking about the people that live in lower income areas
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seaegg99 7/25/24, 4:41:37 PM
seaegg99 avatar image

debut: 4/6/05
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In reply to Emir

Weak minded nonsense they spread. Drink Trump-aid instead of doing a little research.
InHindsight 7/25/24, 4:46:43 PM
InHindsight avatar image

debut: 2/24/07
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In reply to nick2020

They've stop drinking the kool-aide and their eyes are opening.
XDFIX 7/25/24, 5:02:03 PM
XDFIX avatar image

debut: 3/2/03
17,640 runs

In reply to nick2020

Black people have come to accept that Democrats do not walk the talk!
Brerzerk 7/25/24, 5:03:37 PM
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debut: 3/16/21
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In reply to Emir

Yardie descendant Byron Donalds fits your description Emir
Velo are you aware of the billions of dollars including land, economic aid, healthcare, seed crops European immigrants
got for more than 100yrs? During that time slaves were propping up the economy, yet reparations for African-Americans
who can trace roots back 100yrs is an issue? No to immigrants of color, no to descendants of slaves but yes to...
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Emir 7/25/24, 5:23:34 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,189 runs

In reply to velo

Will all due respect to you, I do not believe you are willing to learn about our country. From afar you get taken in by right wing narrative and when the truth is given to you in a respectful way, you retort with garbage - fyi- you are even unable to post a link properly using the tool this site provided you with.

For this reason, I will no longer reply to you.
nick2020 7/25/24, 5:24:41 PM
nick2020 avatar image

debut: 7/2/12
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In reply to InHindsight

nick2020 7/25/24, 5:28:12 PM
nick2020 avatar image

debut: 7/2/12
28,699 runs

In reply to XDFIX

So give your vote to Republicans who do not even talk the talk?

You need to understand how the GOP views black people. A party that thinks of them as welfare queens and wants to take away affirmative action.

How is that going to appeal to black people?
velo 7/25/24, 5:41:59 PM
velo avatar image

debut: 7/29/19
4,143 runs

In reply to Emir

Bro you have issueslol i dont know why i responded to you in the first place cause you are full of yourself and presumptious .
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velo 7/25/24, 5:43:49 PM
velo avatar image

debut: 7/29/19
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carl0002 7/25/24, 6:12:10 PM
carl0002 avatar image

debut: 4/16/03
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In reply to nick2020

Funny you would say that as its been proven that 95% of Republican's vote against their own self interest 100% of the time as they figure its screwing over/ or denying those who does not vote like them.
Drapsey 7/25/24, 7:34:58 PM
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debut: 12/26/07
33,858 runs

In reply to velo

it is partly economic how would you feel if you are working two jobs or dont have a job and suddenly the government suddenly bring in a influx of immigrants from all parts.and give them things that they did not give people that were actually born there you going keep voting for them ?they are trying to recall the mayor of chicago for this same issue.

Even though I think that Emir has fully addressed your 'misunderstanding' on the subject, I'll try and expand here.

Immigrants (and migrants) have always contributed positively to the economy, if not the society on a whole. They provide (cheap) manual labor on the farms producing for our dinner plates, as well as in factories producing the household items on which we're so dependent. A great number of the Central and South American varieties would come in during late spring, work 12 to 16 hours shifts, all on a cash basis, and would leave during the fall to return to their homelands with pockets full of cash, where they would live like kings and queens until the next year's repeat.

Now that we've made that annual practice just about impossible, we're reaping the effects by experiencing the unavailability of items once considered staple, and for those that are still available, we pay exorbitant prices. BTW, have you been to the supermarket lately?

But I guess we can blame it all on Democrats' love for (illegal) immigrants.
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velo 7/25/24, 8:11:12 PM
velo avatar image

debut: 7/29/19
4,143 runs

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dayne 7/25/24, 8:35:19 PM
dayne avatar image

debut: 5/29/07
8,020 runs

America's politics is a big jumbled up mess, and it is willfully done that way, in the hopes of the top one percent, that common people will vote against the best interest
sudden 7/25/24, 9:22:52 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,341 runs

In reply to nick2020

The more blacks join the GOP the more whites will become Dems
seaegg99 7/25/24, 10:03:05 PM
seaegg99 avatar image

debut: 4/6/05
4,624 runs

In reply to sudden

Repubs need to continue talking about their token blacks. Like always their lies sound really good to them and the weak minded who believe them.
XDFIX 7/25/24, 10:47:05 PM
XDFIX avatar image

debut: 3/2/03
17,640 runs

In reply to nick2020

Head black lose and tail they lose - Repubs and Dems are fox and wolf, they're members of the same family!
nick2020 7/26/24, 2:00:07 AM
nick2020 avatar image

debut: 7/2/12
28,699 runs

In reply to XDFIX

Repubs and Dems are fox and wolf, they're members of the same family!

Politicians have to juggle the needs of the country and the votes of the people. Easy case and point is Dems run on a platform of taxing the rich and easing the middle class. So if you are rich and you do not want to lose more of your money then on that singular issue you are better with the GOP platform. Now it sounds like better math to target the middle class vs the rich but then rich people make for very powerful allies.

Project 2025 exposes the root of the problem with the GOP - instead of changing the message to appeal to the changing demographics they want to rollback America.