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FBI Is Not Fully Convinced Trump Was Struck by a

birdseye 2024-07-25 20:42:37 

FBI Is Not Fully Convinced Trump Was Struck by a Bullet
My thinking all along


googley 2024-07-25 20:46:03 

In reply to birdseye

Trump said the bullet “came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life.”

“I heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear,” the former president described the scene.

Trump " I didn't sleep with a porn star" is not known for telling the truth. So I am not surprised.

sudden 2024-07-25 20:46:28 

In reply to birdseye

Defund the FBI

Drapsey 2024-07-25 20:55:43 

In reply to birdseye


nickoutr 2024-07-25 21:20:19 

Russia Russia Russia
Laptop is Russian disinformation

Chrissy 2024-07-25 21:31:41 

In reply to birdseye

Nuff peeps think it was fake and until medical reports are released doubt will remain

Brerzerk 2024-07-25 22:04:33 

In reply to Chrissy

I think it was glass or he'd or will have eardrum problems in time. But the media is showing a 'certain trajectory' of a bullet in a pic that they claim whizzed by his ear.
I think he was zinged by shattering glass yes. Life eh, 8 missed him but one killed a loudmouth supporter and two injured two others.

Halliwell 2024-07-25 22:27:57 

I see the medical report was signed by a non doctor

Chrissy 2024-07-25 22:34:31 

In reply to Halliwell
Shhhhhhhhh! lol

nickoutr 2024-07-26 01:42:52 

In reply to Chrissy

This is the beginning of the Government cover up of their attempted attentat

googley 2024-07-26 23:46:31 

FBI now says it was a bullet that hit Trump's ear

InHindsight 2024-07-29 20:36:35 

Shrapnel from where? The teleprompter that remained intact?

Calling white black and black white. Can it get any more corrupt than this?

No no. It isn't that every branch of government has been radicalized by the depraved and crooked left. Talk about clutching at straws. You'd think the entire assassination attempt was shrouded with mystery and intrigue. The audacity!

The brainacs over here know well this is a cover up and stinks of conspiracy by the tainted secret service, aided and abeted by the lying media, disseminating untruths. Oh how the world has become.


The June 27th Trump/Biden debate was such a huge revelation of Biden's mental decline. Whatever! rolleyesThe hypocrisy.

nickoutr 2024-07-29 20:54:21 

In reply to InHindsight
lots of info about the would be assassin coming out ... not from lame stream media

InHindsight 2024-07-29 20:59:23 

In reply to nickoutr

Nahhh. These trusted media sources I am sure are eager to divulge new information being uncovered

InHindsight 2024-07-29 21:12:49 

In reply to Brerzerk

I think it was glass or he'd or will have eardrum problems in time.

Can you explain for all to understand how a bullet whizzing by your hear can damage your eardrums?

Rather, isn't it that the sounds and vibrations a million times more likely to impact the shooter?

Deep sighredface

Drapsey 2024-07-29 21:38:23 

In reply to InHindsight

Calling white black and black white. Can it get any more corrupt than this?

Dem factors can't say that they didn't learn anything from #45.

InHindsight 2024-07-29 21:49:08 

In reply to Drapsey

Dem factors can't say that they didn't learn anything from #45.

Typical left thinking beration of calling white black and black white.

nick2020 2024-07-29 22:10:40 

In reply to InHindsight

I guess the law courts are also media sources.

InHindsight 2024-07-29 22:19:20 

In reply to nick2020

Keep the main thing the main thing. This in no way fits with anything I said.

Again standard fare from the...

nick2020 2024-07-29 22:28:53 

In reply to InHindsight

You dispute the media
Do you dispute the law courts too?

InHindsight 2024-07-29 23:51:47 

In reply to nick2020

The law courts are brazenly/overtly tainted.

Hence the term 'lawfare'

sudden 2024-07-29 23:59:18 

In reply to InHindsight

You are on a role tonightshock

nick2020 2024-07-30 16:30:19 

Larr Pullo 2024-07-30 17:07:02 

This detailed analysis explores the severe consequences of an AR-15 bullet interaction with the ear, highlighting potential injuries ranging from lacerations and tearing to significant hearing loss and balance issues.
The damage caused by a bullet from an AR-15 passing near or hitting the ear can vary significantly based on the specifics of the interaction. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

1. If the Bullet Just Grazes the Ear
A grazing wound from an AR-15 bullet, which travels at high velocity, would likely cause:
- Lacerations and Tearing: The bullet could tear through the skin and cartilage of the outer ear (auricle or pinna), causing significant bleeding and requiring stitches or surgical repair.
- Secondary Damage: The shockwave and heat generated by the bullet could cause burns or additional tissue damage around the wound.
- Hearing Impact: While the eardrum (tympanic membrane) might remain intact, the trauma could cause temporary hearing loss or tinnitus due to the proximity of the loud gunshot and the physical shock to the ear structures[1][4][5].

2. If the Bullet Penetrates the Cartilage
If the bullet actually goes through the cartilage of the ear:
- Severe Tissue Damage: The bullet would destroy the cartilage and surrounding tissue, potentially leading to a partial or complete loss of the outer ear.
- Risk of Infection: Open wounds from such trauma are highly susceptible to infection.
- Hearing Loss: The shockwave and physical trauma could rupture the eardrum, damage the ossicles (tiny bones in the middle ear), or even affect the cochlea in the inner ear, leading to significant hearing loss or complete deafness in the affected ear[1][4][5].
- Other Complications: There could be additional complications such as vertigo or balance issues due to the inner ear’s role in maintaining equilibrium[6][7].

3. If the Bullet Passes Within Millimeters Without Touching
Even if the bullet doesn’t physically touch the ear but passes very close:
- Acoustic Trauma: The sound of the bullet passing at high speed can cause acoustic trauma, potentially leading to temporary or permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or a ruptured eardrum due to the intense sound pressure[5][7].
- Shockwave Impact: The shockwave generated by the bullet can cause a concussive effect, potentially damaging the eardrum and inner ear structures, leading to similar symptoms as direct trauma, including hearing loss and balance issues[1][4][5].
Summary of Potential Injuries
The high velocity and energy of an AR-15 bullet make it particularly destructive, even if it does not directly hit vital structures. The proximity to the ear can result in severe auditory and physical trauma due to the bullet’s speed and the shockwave it generates[1][4][5].
[1] link</a>

googley 2024-07-30 17:33:18 

In reply to Larr Pullo

Don't you know Trump is superman? lol

VIX 2024-07-30 19:09:03 

It'll be great if Harris wins, then in 4 years time Trump again succeeds in becoming the GOP candidate!!
Only in the merica.

carl0002 2024-07-30 20:44:40 

If the official report states that a bullet hit him its doctored. Cant see Trump going through all of this trouble to hide the medical report, telling his campaign not to say a single word about the incident...probably had them all fill out NDA's just for this, he is not going through all this trouble, to withhold evidence that would confirm it. He is hiding something, that's why they are tightlipped. As he could gain more mileage by saying more. This is Trump, there is no way he is not exploiting every inch of anything. Now he has to make sure that no one gets even a whiff of another big lie.