The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Attn: InHindsight and the Deplorables

JayMor 7/26/24, 4:39:40 PM
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debut: 12/15/02
7,577 runs

Picking up from
In reply to InHindsight

She prattles and crackles
Fairly soon you'll realise, in hindsight (so me ketch it, so me sell it), that "prattles and crackles" were all you had. Keep dwelling there; keep prattling.

Re "the most unpopular VP [...] in history", you deplorables just mindlessly bandy words about, regardless of whether true or not-- just so long as you're denigrating an opponent. The orange orangutan has taught you well. Here's something way more reasoned than you're capable of (it appears):

The Los Angeles Times conducted a Presidential Greatness Project survey of scholars, asking the experts to evaluate vice presidents as well as presidents. The resulting rankings spanned from John Nance “Cactus Jack” Garner, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first vice president, to Kamala Harris. Al Gore topped the list as the greatest modern vice president, followed closely by Joe Biden — who also recently entered the presidential rankings in the top third. Lyndon B. Johnson (Kennedy), George H.W. Bush (Reagan) and Walter Mondale (Carter) filled out the rest of the top five. Nixon veep Spiro Agnew — who resigned from office following a bribery scandal — ranked last, with Dan Quayle (George H.W. Bush), Henry Wallace (FDR), Garner and Alben Barkley (Truman) rounding out the bottom five. Harris and Mike Pence — who served under the last-ranked president, Trump — both came in the bottom half of vice presidents, at Nos. 11 and 13 out of 18, respectively. The low rankings of the current vice president and her predecessor reflect the experts’ view that they weren’t particularly active partners in their administrations.

Despite it not being flattering to Lady Kamala, I have no issues with the report. After being chosen by Joe Biden, the Repugs pigeon-holed her --something they did effectively with Mrs Clinton too-- and I'm sure it was official policy within the White House for her not to be too up-front and visible. But look at what pertains now. LOL.

Noteworthy in the report are the placements in general of Democratic veeps vs those of the Repugs. And I know it's generally the same for Democratic presidents vs Repug ones, in modern times,

BTW, the LA times report referenced is here, but behind a pay wall. (I normally can defeat most such but this one is trickier, plus I'm on the road and only using a Chromebook).
