The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket


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Emir 8/28/24, 12:48:10 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,191 runs

It speaks volume when the stadiums are practically empty for both Test cricket and T-20 internationals, and the weather has nothing to do it with.

Now contrast this to the curry goat cricket called CPL which will start in a few days.

Here's what you'll see:
1. Full stadiums
2 Relatively more expensive cost of tickets
3.Lots of young people and family
4. Very happy faces
5. Patriotic flags even though the tournament is foreign owner club cricket which consume foreign exchange.
5B. Heck, A president of one of the territory, acting as a salesman and promoting the matches and even using the resources of his country to big up players. Allows the old foreign captain of the team to ride on his presidential car to attend juma services.
6. Inter island/territory shameless outburst of insularity and fake pride.
7. People adopting the foreign owned club team as their own flesh and blood
8. Traditional and social Media getting involve for free- doing publicity and stirring up public passion.
9. Big grown old hard back men behaving like children when arguing and debating the game, as if it is their own
10. Young women signs asking foreign players to marry them, shaming their country.

When was the last time did you witness any of these for WI cricket- test cricket in particular?
What has CWI done to kindle some of that CPL passion for our own cricket? Such as growing the sports via the elementary schools?
Jumpstart 8/28/24, 1:19:20 PM
Jumpstart avatar image

debut: 11/30/17
10,460 runs

In reply to Emir

it is. west indies was in decline since 1988, and it just shows how good the players that kept the unbeaten run going were(viv, haynes, greenidge and later pato, ambrose, bish, walsh and finally lara). we started being a lower tier team in 2001, and it has only gotten much worse, with revivals aborted by idiotic cwi administrations. all this predates the big 3 takeover in 2012 or 2013.

alarm bells should have been ringing off throughout the caribbean when desmond haynes, then possibly the most respected man in cricket along with alan border and imran khan, was not appointed captain. brian lara stated explicitly in his book that this decision hurt WI cricket and that it was done simply because the board didn't want another alpha male as captain. Then debarring him from selection for the 1995 test series vs Australia(haynes sued them and won) which resulted in our first test series loss in 15 years
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WIfan26 8/28/24, 2:42:22 PM
WIfan26 avatar image

debut: 5/1/21
2,449 runs

Maybe WI need to change their Crest from Palm Trees to Steel Pan that might motivate the masses!!!
Jumpstart 8/28/24, 2:59:19 PM
Jumpstart avatar image

debut: 11/30/17
10,460 runs

In reply to WIfan26

Clearly the instrument is appreciated internationally

This is an investment that the Government of Guyana has made in you and I’m going to make a commitment on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport that the groups who shared their talents today, will be playing at the next event the ministry hosts that is appropriate for your talents to be showcased…You all will be compensated for your talent,” Minister Ramson underscored. According to the sport minister, the government has tripled its investment in the steel pan industry, to allow more persons to participate in the art. As part of cricket carnival events, the government will also be adding these new steel pan talents to the schedule, allowing them to have a feel of the big stage. A state-of-the-art steel pan school for teaching and competition purposes will also be designed soon. Apart from engaging in steel pan activities, participants were able to build life lasting bounds and friendships
Curtis 8/28/24, 3:20:53 PM
Curtis avatar image

debut: 12/4/02
16,277 runs

In reply to Jumpstart

Sweet! Music investment always bear fruit down the road. Need that for cricket too.
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SnoopDog 8/28/24, 3:30:02 PM
SnoopDog avatar image

debut: 1/24/04
15,683 runs

In reply to Curtis

I hope y'all know that Mulla bin Emir has about a dozen CPL tickets and will probably scalp about half of them for a nice little profit. lol
Jumpstart 8/28/24, 3:36:05 PM
Jumpstart avatar image

debut: 11/30/17
10,460 runs

In reply to SnoopDog

boycotting that tournament until they fix the test team the inability to chase 256 was the last straw
SnoopDog 8/28/24, 3:37:29 PM
SnoopDog avatar image

debut: 1/24/04
15,683 runs

In reply to Jumpstart

Come off it Bro.

You'll be the first to scalp a CPL ticket from the Mulla. lol
Jumpstart 8/28/24, 3:42:13 PM
Jumpstart avatar image

debut: 11/30/17
10,460 runs

In reply to SnoopDog

nah. i haven't gone to a cpl game since the pandemic. and after staying up until 3 to watch shamar clean up australia, to watching the same team that made the highest total against aus in their 11 d/n tests, to not being able to chase 256 against an attack that paled in comparison to the aussies.....totally demotivated me to go to one of the games. besides, i hadda pay for school
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SnoopDog 8/28/24, 3:50:47 PM
SnoopDog avatar image

debut: 1/24/04
15,683 runs

In reply to Jumpstart

You ain't fooling me Bro.

I won't be the least bit surprised if you end up at Providence to watch Hetty bat one over live and direct. lol
Jumpstart 8/28/24, 3:58:05 PM
Jumpstart avatar image

debut: 11/30/17
10,460 runs

In reply to SnoopDog

nah. i saving to go to brazil and argentina next year for a much needed vacation to celebrate finishing my program. its a costly trip so i can't afford too many indulgences like this
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Curtis 8/28/24, 4:42:19 PM
Curtis avatar image

debut: 12/4/02
16,277 runs

In reply to Jumpstart

Big Man like you still in school?
Curtis 8/28/24, 4:46:09 PM
Curtis avatar image

debut: 12/4/02
16,277 runs

In reply to Emir

Ever thought that though WI cricket sucks, we still producing world class stars, such as Pooran. Something is working albeit not at the level of production one would like. People flock to GT for these matches. Is this akin to drowning man clutching at straws, in that people travel from far to support? Or is it that folks prefer exhibition cricket?
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Jumpstart 8/28/24, 5:01:23 PM
Jumpstart avatar image

debut: 11/30/17
10,460 runs

In reply to Curtis

you know how much people cannot complete a civil engineering program(64% of the region failed csec maths, lets start there).....its not like a business degree that is highly saturated(that is my first degree but it was and seemingly is totally useless)
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StumpCam 8/28/24, 5:16:11 PM
StumpCam avatar image

debut: 1/1/04
12,305 runs

In reply to Emir

5B. Heck, A president of one of the territory, acting as a salesman and promoting the matches and even using the resources of his country to big up players. Allows the old foreign captain of the team to ride on his presidential car to attend juma services.
6. Inter island/territory shameless outburst of insularity and fake pride.

FYI, unlike the Indian owned TNT Knight Riders, the Guyana Amazon Warriors is locally owned!
So, the President is looking out for his country and people!
Now run along like the Big Idiot you are!
BTW, there are 2 CPL franchises owned by Guyanese businessmen!
Titties need to step up if they really interested in saving West Indies cricket!razz
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SnoopDog 8/28/24, 5:18:03 PM
SnoopDog avatar image

debut: 1/24/04
15,683 runs

In reply to StumpCam

FYI, unlike the Indian owned TNT Knight Riders, the Guyana Amazon Warriors is locally owned!
So, the President is looking out for his country and people!
Now run along like the Big Idiot you are!


Dollars to donuts that all of the Mulla's CPL tickets are for GAW games. lol
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WIfan26 8/28/24, 6:16:03 PM
WIfan26 avatar image

debut: 5/1/21
2,449 runs

In reply to StumpCam

C'mon bro you know they're both Indo- Guyanese you know they don't count in the eyes of Brother Emir!!!
DirtyDan 8/28/24, 6:24:34 PM
DirtyDan avatar image

debut: 6/9/17
1,782 runs

In reply to Jumpstart

Keep on educating yourself bro, he's just harassing for harassing sake. We can certainly use more engineers.
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Jumpstart 8/28/24, 6:57:20 PM
Jumpstart avatar image

debut: 11/30/17
10,460 runs

In reply to StumpCam

Titties need to step up if they really interested in saving West Indies cricket!razz
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yuh eh find TT save enough....wrote off guyana's debt to us, was at the forefront of the international response to hurricane ivan's devastation of grenada and Maria's destruction of dominica........among many, many other things.
StumpCam 8/28/24, 7:00:25 PM
StumpCam avatar image

debut: 1/1/04
12,305 runs

In reply to Jumpstart

Stay on topic man….we talking about cricket!
Debt and forgiveness is a conversation for another time!
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Emir 8/28/24, 7:56:08 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,191 runs

In reply to Jumpstart

The CWI should be ashamed. Imagine a travelling circus called CPL comes along for a month, people flock to the stadiums, and in the case of Guyana, people make it their religion led by their obese President who, at the stadium, acts and dances like a rum shop denizen.

When CWI arrange a match, in any format, and in any territory, stray dogs outnumber fans.

What can CWI learn from CPL? Other than they gave it away for a few shillings? I believe CPL has a 50 year contract?
What do fans finds so appealing and so attractive, they pay more to see a club team than their own national teams?
How is it CPL is able to attract young fans who can hardly tell the difference between mid on and mid off?

If CPL has indeed broken the code on WI cricket, then it necessarily means the era of first class and test cricket is over and those of us who still cling on to real cricket are just fooling ourselves. Is the future now junk CPL cricket owned by foreigners? Is this the remnant of our century of glorious world domination?

Does it also mean the West Indian idea is all but a thing of the pass, because people don't see WI cricket team as their own flesh and blood, or as an entity, thus they are unable to have any affinity to the West Indies cricket brand?
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Jumpstart 8/28/24, 8:17:23 PM
Jumpstart avatar image

debut: 11/30/17
10,460 runs

In reply to Emir

CPL aint break no code. it simply took advantage of regional rivalries. You remember in 2012 Caribbean T20 when Barbados faced TT at Kensington Oval on Earl Barrow day? The game was sold out. The addition of foreigners to the weaker teams like windward islands and leewards has made the cpl more competitive though
WIfan26 8/28/24, 8:23:22 PM
WIfan26 avatar image

debut: 5/1/21
2,449 runs

In reply to Emir

and in the case of Guyana, people make it their religion led by their obese President who, at the stadium, acts and dances like a rum shop denizen.


I hope you don't expect 72 virgins after that statement what is wrong with you lol
Kay 8/28/24, 9:50:57 PM
Kay avatar image

debut: 2/1/15
10,145 runs

In reply to Emir

When CWI arrange a match, in any format, and in any territory, stray dogs outnumber fans.

You should count yourself lucky and honored to be part of that privileged majority ....
SnoopDog 8/28/24, 9:55:55 PM
SnoopDog avatar image

debut: 1/24/04
15,683 runs

In reply to WIfan26


I hope you don't expect 72 virgins after that statement what is wrong with you lol

Bro. These bitter Tits didn't have one word to say when Shah Ruk's franchise were winning CPL titles and all the Tittie show ponies were on display at the spiritual home of lickit.

But the times they are changing - Shah Ruk's franchise is on the decline - GAW franchise is in the ascendancy - the Tittie show ponies are retiring - and the next generation of Tittie T20 talent cupboard is now bare.

And now all of a sudden - CPL bad! lol
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