She emphasizes – “my values have not changed” we will learn more as we see the full interview at 9:00 PM. JD Vance cant say his values have not changed. he initially said Trump is America’s Hitler…. I hope somebody do an exhaustive chronology of how JD values have changed vis-à-vis trump
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Listening to a clip of Kamala interview
Oh fact. THe din from the echo chamber will be unbearable tomorrow. PHew!
In reply to VIX
Dats right
In reply to birdseye
interesting that after all this Chump still has a chance yet 4 mo' years and Dis done has been reduced to whimpers of 'misfits and echo chamber dins accusations'
In reply to Brerzerk
Puzzling, isn’t it? as Zora Neale Hurston say: “All my skinfolk ain't my kinfolk.”
In reply to birdseye
But confounding that misfits originating from deeply conservative societies find themselves to be immediately liberal the moment they touch the tarmac in "their" great merica.
As VIX says: "delusional unwelcome echo-chamber misfits"
In reply to VIX
You said this already but this is very far from the truth.
Many Caribbean governments provide subsidies for education, housing, and healthcare. They own utility and transportation companies. There are a massive amount of regulatory bodies.
Republicans would call us communists.
In reply to nick2020
Don''t forget that abortion is legal throughout the Caribbean as well. Caribbean governments for the most part are supportive of Cuba, the Palestinian cause and initiatives to combat climate change. None of those are conservative causes. I think most who push the conservative Caribbean societies narrative are referring mostly to the homophobia thing.
In reply to VIX
Okay but even America isn't totally capitalist.
If we replaced America's policies with Caribbean ones the Republicans would be threatening to deport themselves.
In reply to Walco
I don't believe conservatives know what conservative values really are. Climate change* in principle has nothing to do with historical conservatism. And I can argue Christians should be taking care of the planet.
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”
Many of these newer values are oppose oppose oppose.
In reply to Birdie, Brerzerk, Nick & Walco
Sometimes yuh jus' haffe mek a man dwell inna him ignorance. Nick and Walco gave the on-the-ground eye-balled report but Missa Man finds a passage from some 'researcher', probably in Ottawa (as Politricks Watch likes to chide). He wins, bro; let him have it.
In reply to nick2020
Ask di departing finance minister.
In reply to VIX
Vixie, what are conservative societies? Not the one where Bustamante faced down British troops while declaring 'kill me but leave my people alone'
not the one where labor leader Michael Manley lie down in the road protesting for his union vs a state entity! It sure as hell isn't the one where the
loitering laws are so crafted as to protect prostitutes 'used' by upper-class men but doesn't protect a man hanging out at a worksite trying to get a hustle
to feed his family.
Or, is it the society where Battymanism is frowned on yet spaces are carved out for the upper-class to 'do dem tings.' Most of us come from morally bankrupt
societies where there is pretense of certain types of conservatism to suit power control.
Is TNT a conservative society nor or then? Is bunning fya pon male and female homosexuals conservatism when there's all kind a wine-up on the streets before the most significant religious observance by the majority religion. When horning is rampant, corruption is widescale and laws are scoffed at? How convenient. By the way 'Murca's public sector is its largest employer, largest waste center yet their institutions impose cuts on their lil neighbors all for profit!
In reply to Brerzerk
See, this is why I refer to you all as supercilious, delusional misfits. WE are the morally bankrupt ones?
“Your” great merica is the dictionary definition of morally bankrupt. The most violent, vile, dangerous and obscene society.
The misfit elitism that shows up here day after day, hour after hour, trumpeting your superiority to Caribbean residents only by dint of being unwelcome immigrants there.
This is why I say the pedophile, fraudulent, rapist Trump is the ideal pruhzedent for “your” great merica.
In reply to VIX
As VIX says: "delusional unwelcome echo-chamber misfits"
Honestly, I don’t know what being a “conservative” is. Egalitarian is how I would describe my essence/core.
No one says 'Murca isn't morally bankrupt. The elitism you claim to witness 'amongst Murcan residents this board could probably be a figment of imagination based on either a complex or stereotyping...dunno
In reply to birdseye
This interview performance despite the soft balls, was flat and unimpressive. Be truthful guys and gyals.
Well if y'all doh want to admit onna y'all chief honchos David Axelrod said it didn't move her forward nor back. In other words, it was flat.
In reply to InHindsight
The president wannabee Honorable Harris , appeared on a soft ball interview , with a chaperone .
A chaperone for crying out loud!
So much living proof that America...the west as a whole is on living life support.
The best that America, leaders of the free world can produce is Biden /Kamla /Trump...
Dumb dumber and dumbest.....
In reply to InHindsight
In reply to johndom90
You playing my kinda strokes deh paddna
In reply to birdseye
The esteemed prosecutor who is seeking to be the president of the strongest nation on earth all we concern about is that she did no harm.
First it was Biden now it's Kamala.
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