The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Is the rise of T20 impacting batsmanship??

StumpCam 9/5/24, 11:16:08 AM
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debut: 1/1/04
12,305 runs

I noticed the next generation of Indians currently competing in their First Class A,B,C & D teams scoring well below 200.
SnoopDog 9/5/24, 2:30:25 PM
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debut: 1/24/04
15,683 runs

In reply to StumpCam

I don't think it's a question any longer.

It's a given.
VIX 9/5/24, 2:53:59 PM
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debut: 2/7/03
17,224 runs

In reply to StumpCam

for the handful of people who refuse to leave the era of typewriters and landlines - definitely!

For the rest of the world, especially the youth constituency, the impact is positive.
4REALQUICKS 9/5/24, 4:57:51 PM
4REALQUICKS avatar image

debut: 2/16/24
635 runs

In reply to VIX

Swinging & slogging is not quality batting. It is striking the ball. Do not confuse stroke play with kiddie-cricket-whack-it-ball.