The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Rutherford leaving Patriots... personal reasons.

anthonyp 9/8/24, 5:13:24 PM
anthonyp avatar image

debut: 11/2/09
12,086 runs

Will take no further part in CPL 2024.

Looking forward to seeing you in GAW next year ahead of fat boy Azam! Welcome back big grin
Raskil 9/8/24, 5:17:42 PM
Raskil avatar image

debut: 11/13/02
13,109 runs

In reply to anthonyp

He should have continued

Bad decision
voiceofreason 9/8/24, 5:18:16 PM
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debut: 1/20/04
89,467 runs

In reply to anthonyp

You can have him back! We cleaning up after this season anyways!
doosra 9/8/24, 5:24:55 PM
doosra avatar image

debut: 5/26/04
94,420 runs

In reply to anthonyp

how could they afford him after paying Hetty, Sheppy, Motie, etc and the foreigners?

somebody gotta subsidize lol
doosra 9/8/24, 5:25:16 PM
doosra avatar image

debut: 5/26/04
94,420 runs

In reply to voiceofreason

he helped them to a championship

give thanks
doosra 9/8/24, 5:25:32 PM
doosra avatar image

debut: 5/26/04
94,420 runs

In reply to Raskil

was he dropped for the game today?
Raskil 9/8/24, 5:33:43 PM
Raskil avatar image

debut: 11/13/02
13,109 runs

In reply to doosra

It’s early days in the season still
He’s got to be humble
anthonyp 9/8/24, 5:41:34 PM
anthonyp avatar image

debut: 11/2/09
12,086 runs

In reply to doosra

Might be Tahir last year... that's the highest paid spot free.

Azam getting more than Motie I think... around 60 to 80k... Ah sure they could find a way to get him.

This lineup will be trouble...

Ayub (if available)
anthonyp 9/8/24, 5:42:44 PM
anthonyp avatar image

debut: 11/2/09
12,086 runs

In reply to doosra

Was dropped I think... since match one they claimed that he had a niggle.
doosra 9/8/24, 6:05:23 PM
doosra avatar image

debut: 5/26/04
94,420 runs

In reply to anthonyp

if you have a niggle you stay, or maybe they will find a replacement...i dont think he will take 60 - 80 given he might be getting more at Patriots...unless he wants to come back with the boys

how Azam earning more than Motie makes no sense, not after the showing last year and Motie's rise
- edited -
anthonyp 9/8/24, 6:16:47 PM
anthonyp avatar image

debut: 11/2/09
12,086 runs

In reply to doosra

Just saw a post on his social media page saying "lies"

Plus he commented under a newsroom release saying stories got three sides...

Ah think he's getting 80k with Patriots.
doosra 9/8/24, 6:20:54 PM
doosra avatar image

debut: 5/26/04
94,420 runs

In reply to anthonyp

lies about what?

reason for his departure?

3 sides meaning there is more to him leaving than a usual reason?
anthonyp 9/8/24, 6:24:10 PM
anthonyp avatar image

debut: 11/2/09
12,086 runs

In reply to doosra

No idea... someone replied and told him to share his side.

Probably gotta wait and see if he says anything... based on that post and comment it looks like it wasn't his choice to leave. Maybe he was forced?
doosra 9/8/24, 6:29:44 PM
doosra avatar image

debut: 5/26/04
94,420 runs

In reply to anthonyp

i don't think management would send him off for no reason

he was dropped today so i wonder

reminds me of Sinclair last year but hopefully nothing out of the usual
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PalsofMine 9/8/24, 6:45:11 PM
PalsofMine avatar image

debut: 2/2/23
1,596 runs

Some of us spotted that Rutherford did not seem to be at ease. This is probably the best move for him professionally and hopefully it opens up a spot for a West Indian player to get. Patriots however desperately need a bowler rather than another middle order batsman.
Kay 9/8/24, 6:47:25 PM
Kay avatar image

debut: 2/1/15
10,145 runs

Things don't always work the way you want sometimes but to pick up you ball and bat and go home is another thing. Waiting to hear the other side(s)
doosra 9/8/24, 6:49:37 PM
doosra avatar image

debut: 5/26/04
94,420 runs

In reply to Kay

Sinclair did they same last year and left money on the table

guys need to manage that side of their thing better
StumpCam 9/8/24, 6:55:22 PM
StumpCam avatar image

debut: 1/1/04
12,305 runs

In reply to Kay

These guys think they are bigger than the game!
They need to learn how to be professionals!
No team would want to hire you if you have attitude issues!
cumberland 9/8/24, 7:07:45 PM
cumberland avatar image

debut: 12/4/22
929 runs

The bigger picture is: will SKNP go the way of the Tallawah franchise? Lots have to happen to make that grouping functional. Since "Big Dawg" left Sherfane was an outsider looking in. For him to return to GAW will need not just some financial juggling by Bobby but also swallowed pride and acceptance by a few teammates.

From a GAW perspective, now that management is getting the hang of the overseas buying business, both Robinson and Moen are worthy acquisitions, purchasing a (repatriate) local could be a dicey consideration, especially if GAW gets to the 2024 final.
doosra 9/8/24, 7:19:03 PM
doosra avatar image

debut: 5/26/04
94,420 runs

In reply to cumberland

For him to return to GAW will need not just some financial juggling by Bobby but also swallowed pride and acceptance by a few teammates.

year burning bridges to the owners is not gonna win you comeback points

i hope they have gotten over that now
doosra 9/8/24, 7:19:34 PM
doosra avatar image

debut: 5/26/04
94,420 runs

In reply to cumberland

From a GAW perspective, now that management is getting the hang of the overseas buying business, both Robinson and Moen are worthy acquisitions, purchasing a (repatriate) local could be a dicey consideration, especially if GAW gets to the 2024 final.

for many years they bought really poorly

these picks have been very strategic
cumberland 9/8/24, 7:32:32 PM
cumberland avatar image

debut: 12/4/22
929 runs

In reply to doosra

these picks have been very strategic

Johno has fitted right into franchise cricket with aplomb. He's been working the backroom mighty fine and whilst listening to the right people has made some top cricketing decisions since getting involved.

Both the Sinclairs' ready inclusion in the 2024 setup after last year's snafu with Kevin having his imprimatur all over it.