The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Why no Shepperd ?

kangalang 9/15/24, 12:51:03 AM
kangalang avatar image

debut: 1/23/03
485 runs

Is he injured? Haven't heard anything ...
natty_forever 9/15/24, 12:53:19 AM
natty_forever avatar image

debut: 4/28/03
59,473 runs

Only reason I can see.
anthonyp 9/15/24, 12:54:49 AM
anthonyp avatar image

debut: 11/2/09
12,086 runs

In reply to kangalang

Recovering from a niggle. Picked it up in the first match.
Raskil 9/15/24, 1:01:33 AM
Raskil avatar image

debut: 11/13/02
13,109 runs

In reply to kangalang

He’s resting…plenty of curry chicken to eat in T&T