A scoundrel and a thief and many prayers going up for him. Oh the redemptive power of religious practice.
Message Board Archives
Don King 93
2024-09-24 03:15:18
2024-09-24 13:56:37
"only the good die young"
2024-09-24 16:36:13
In reply to Brerzerk
A living dog is better than a dead lion!
2024-09-24 16:47:51
In reply to Brerzerk
Name a successful boxing promoter who played by the rules
2024-09-24 18:05:37
Don King, the black Donald Trump.
2024-09-24 18:17:29
In reply to VIX
None! I jus' trying to understand the prayers.
Man murdered a man, served his time, had a damned good life after; 93yrs is so much more than a child who drown or die of cancer...give thanks prayers maybe
2024-09-24 19:19:12
In reply to Brerzerk
Sounds like a great mericka pruhzedent candidate!
2024-09-25 08:19:57
In reply to VIX
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