debut: 11/14/02
197,621 runs
Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more “problematic content” and would take a more proactive approach to complying with government requests. The announcement comes weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing to act against criminals using the app.
Durov – who holds Russian, French, United Arab Emirates, and St Kitts and Nevis passports – initially criticised his arrest, but he has since announced steps appearing to bow to Paris’s demands. On 6 September, he said Telegram would alter its “people nearby” feature to present users with “legitimate businesses” rather than “bots and scammers”.
Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more “problematic content” and would take a more proactive approach to complying with government requests. The announcement comes weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing to act against criminals using the app.
Durov – who holds Russian, French, United Arab Emirates, and St Kitts and Nevis passports – initially criticised his arrest, but he has since announced steps appearing to bow to Paris’s demands. On 6 September, he said Telegram would alter its “people nearby” feature to present users with “legitimate businesses” rather than “bots and scammers”.