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How South Africa’s apartheid shaped the Maga

Chrissy 2024-09-24 20:42:29 


Elon Musk lived in apartheid South Africa until he was 17. David Sacks, the ven­ture cap­it­al­ist who has become a fun­draiser for Don­ald Trump and a troll of Ukraine, left aged five, and grew up in a South African dia­spora fam­ily in Ten­nessee. Peter Thiel spent years of child­hood in South Africa and Nam­i­bia, where his father was involved in uranium min­ing as part of the apartheid regime’s clandes­tine drive to acquire nuc­lear weapons. And Paul Furber, an obscure South African soft­ware developer and tech journ­al­ist liv­ing near Johan­nes­burg, has been iden­ti­fied by two teams of forensic lin­guists as the ori­gin­ator of the QAnon con­spir­acy, which helped shape Trump’s Maga move­ment. (Furber denies being “Q”.)

In short, four of Maga’s most influ­en­tial voices are fiftyso­mething white men with form­at­ive exper­i­ences in apartheid South Africa. This prob­ably isn’t a coin­cid­ence.

I say that as a fiftyso­mething white man whose form­at­ive exper­i­ences include child­hood vis­its to my exten­ded fam­ily in apartheid South Africa. (My par­ents left Johan­nes­burg before I was born.) We’d swim in my grand­par­ents’ pool while the maid and her grand­chil­dren lived in the gar­age. These exper­i­ences were so shock­ing, so dif­fer­ent from any­thing I exper­i­enced grow­ing up in Europe, that they are my sharpest child­hood memor­ies

Brerzerk 2024-09-25 02:17:08 

In reply to Chrissy


JahJah 2024-09-25 14:49:43 

In reply to Chrissy

Has Mr Kuper discussed this one the cesspool that is X? If so, what has the response been like, especially from Elon's fanboys? big grin

Cheeks 2024-09-25 15:16:35 

Don't expect this to sway our black and brown Caribbean MAGAs. It is hopeless.

A buncha Stephens

velo 2024-09-25 16:33:28 

In reply to Cheeks

Hmmmm a diferent perspective some people are single issue people