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J’can teachers paid less in UK
2024-10-03 19:35:23
Teachers recruited from Jamaica to work for a major chain of academy schools in London have spoken of their “devastation” on finding out that they are being paid thousands of pounds a year less than English-trained recruits with similar levels of experience.
The Harris Federation, England’s second largest academy chain, with 54 state-funded schools, has been recruiting from Jamaica in recent years, bringing teachers to the UK who are attracted by higher salaries than they can earn in the Caribbean
Classed as unqualified
2024-10-03 20:14:30
In reply to Halliwell
Why does that not surprise me?
The CEO pay in comparison?
2024-10-03 20:28:09
In reply to sudden
It is happening in teaching
And in care homes
And in property and facilities management
And in catering
The folks that don’t like immigrants during the day, sure love their cheap labour on evenings and at night
2024-10-03 21:54:21
In reply to Halliwell
Gosh, so your paycheck is less... or Trini's paid more?
Heating bill , no government help
Lack of homes and apartments...
GAW lost...
You are doing good, man....
2024-10-04 06:47:18
In reply to Halliwell
The British government recruits these Jamaican teachers, spinning them yarns of earning lots of money, but the reality is much different when the teachers get their first paycheque.
My wife works with UK-Jamaican teachers organisations who often have to come to the help of these Jamaican teachers, who often find themselves homeless.
For example, these Jamaican teachers who work for agencies are dishonestly paid on a pro-rata rate, which means they get no pay for Easter, Christmas and summer holidays. But these teachers still have to pay rent, energy bills, TV licence, council tax, etc for the months they're not paid. And, to make matters worse, when they are working and earning a pay, it's usually only just enough to cover monthly bills. So, how are they going to pay their bills when they're not earning?
2024-10-04 12:00:07
In reply to mikesiva
The British government recruits these Jamaican teachers, spinning them yarns of earning lots of money, but the reality is much different when the teachers get their first paycheque.
Why don't Jamaican teachers read the contracts they sign?
2024-10-04 12:02:30
In reply to KTom
Come on, the contract will state something, dressed up and enticing, but anybody hoping to take up a better opportunity will always be hyper-optimistic.
2024-10-04 12:09:42
In reply to Halliwell
I have never found any legal contract to be glamorous and alluring. They would not typically be expected to inform you what other people are getting paid or what the cost of living in another country will likely be. For that you would be expected to do some research.
2024-10-04 12:19:53
In reply to KTom
What’s their alternative?
People still buy lottery knowing the odds
2024-10-04 12:52:28
Did the teachers agree to the terms of employment before they accepted the job?
2024-10-04 13:20:09
In reply to Halliwell
During the era a company a previously worked for recruited lots of Indians to do the work and paid less than American employees. So, there’s precedent!
2024-10-04 13:59:17
In reply to StumpCam
How much Mexicans do you have working for you?
2024-10-04 14:13:35
In reply to WI_cricfan
I only hire illegal migrants, that doesn’t limit me to just Mexicans!
2024-10-04 17:06:44
In reply to StumpCam
South Africans went Dubai/ Abu Dhabi and accepted less, thereby reducing the average pay on us westerners in the 00’s.
2024-10-04 19:07:33
KT knows that most not legally trained can be duped re contracts. A teacher will not likely hire a labor attorney to read a contract. I heard that NY City recruitment nuff JA teachers early 2000's and when 2008 crash came, they were laid off unable to collect unemployment, unable to return home