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They can control the weather!

googley 2024-10-09 12:28:17 

Ok Marjori

Walco 2024-10-09 14:27:50 

In reply to googley

Thanks for the good laugh big grin

googley 2024-10-09 14:45:06 

In reply to Walco

The gifts of the Maga cult! lol

Walco 2024-10-09 18:11:52 

In reply to googley

If the government can control the weather, then it makes sense that climate change is a hoax smile And if you are gullible enough to believe such a thing, you are likely to believe every conceivable conspiracy theory out there

googley 2024-10-09 19:20:00 

In reply to Walco

if you are gullible enough to believe such a thing

we are talking Maga Cult....anything is possible! Even balls and InHingshite

Brerzerk 2024-10-09 19:48:46 

In the midst of "The Poorly Educated" ( for me that includes inability to use common sense) The Marjories are dangerous people. Didn't it used to be God's vexation at Obama?

Walco 2024-10-09 21:45:16 

In reply to googley

Biden just called MTG stupid for claiming that the government is controlling the weather smile

googley 2024-10-09 22:34:52 

In reply to Walco

It's mind boggling the lies these Maga morons make up.

Romney said it best: “He just makes it up. So he is able to spew enough disinformation that the Chinese must be smiling,” added Romney. “When it comes to a holiday from the truth, he’s taken the longest vacation.”

googley 2024-10-10 09:21:34 

Here is the result of such lies....meteologists getting death threats

johndom90 2024-10-10 15:35:13 

In reply to googley

It is unconventional for a hurricane to sustain much less increase its intensity , destructive force once it has cleared the warm body of water ( ocean ) that sustains it .

The question begs did Helene maintain such strength over Land?

As usual , with this modern society ....more questions than answers is the norm.

'Climate change " .....the go to default .

Walco 2024-10-10 18:00:12 

In reply to googley

“Ignorance is becoming socially acceptable. Forty or 50 years ago, if I told you I thought the moon was pretend, people would have laughed at me. Now, people are bonding over these incredibly fringe viewpoints.”

“An average hurricane’s life cycle burns through the energy of roughly 10,000 nuclear bombs,” says Cappucci, “The idea that we can even influence something like that, never mind direct it, is just so outlandish that it’s almost, sadly, funny.”

Person 1 to Person 2: Tell me you are an idiot without telling me that you are an idiot.

Person 2: I believe the government can control the weather.

Brerzerk 2024-10-10 18:39:30 

In reply to Walco

VIX 2024-10-10 18:45:44 

That woman was elected by Americans.

Maispwi 2024-10-10 20:02:47 

Ah hope dat none of allyu believe dat MTG believes a word of wat she said. When people are emotionally affected, as in the case of tragedy, they believe and do irrational things. The grifters among us make hay while the sun shines in these situations.

SnoopDog 2024-10-10 21:22:05 

In reply to johndom90

It is unconventional for a hurricane to sustain much less increase its intensity , destructive force once it has cleared the warm body of water ( ocean ) that sustains it .

The question begs did Helene maintain such strength over Land?

As usual , with this modern society ....more questions than answers is the norm.

'Climate change " .....the go to default .

Well well well. I see we have here another expert in meteorology because he's on social media and has a Twitter account.

johndom90 2024-10-10 22:12:35 

In reply to SnoopDog

Its Basic A Level expertise needed for such an opinion.

I'm just musing the question, asking the science.

The Chinese have successfully irrigated one of their deserts by cloud seeding and whatever other " unknown " method they may have used.

Dubai recently had ferocious floods because of suspected " deviant behavior" of same interference with natural weather related occurrences.

One does not have to be an "expert" on a particular subject to voice an opinion

sudden 2024-10-10 22:18:39 

In reply to johndom90

Send me your location and I will make it rain tomorrow on your flat only

johndom90 2024-10-10 22:24:50 

In reply to sudden

I will make it rain

to quote a man "...when the rain don't fall pon one mans house...."

I understand.... the hard questions worrisome!

nb....nobody dare take a chook at a scientific answer yet.
Soon they will tell me I need a dose ah democracysmile

sudden 2024-10-10 22:27:37 

In reply to johndom90

Is there a question in the Shoite you wrote? Really?

Ok I will make it snow then

Brerzerk 2024-10-10 22:28:46 

In reply to johndom90

What was the result of low pressure on Gilbert almost 50 yrs ago? Have you made any comparison with the it and this one? Tsk, Tsk.

johndom90 2024-10-10 22:38:43 

Denigrate, Discredit and demonize.......

just like standard American Foreign policy....big grin

No surprise dey.....

sudden 2024-10-10 22:46:37 

In reply to johndom90

Would you like some covid test kits?

Brerzerk 2024-10-10 23:08:11 

In reply to johndom90

Have you looked at the scientific query and the suggested comparitive analysis yet? Or is that also denigration and demonization too? Mind you there cbe no link but "fine" out fuss nuh? Deliberate, no hasty conclusion that suit motive

SnoopDog 2024-10-10 23:42:28 

In reply to johndom90

Please tell us more about hurricanes, given your internet expertise on the subject matter.

We could use the laughs.

johndom90 2024-10-10 23:50:48 

In reply to SnoopDog

big grin another member ah d choirbig grin

SnoopDog 2024-10-11 00:25:14 

In reply to johndom90

another member ah d choir

Since you have a twitter account, and is therefore eminently qualified on the subject matter, please give us your expert opinion on choral music as a debasement of individual vocal expressiveness and the intimacy of sound.

sudden 2024-10-11 00:44:10 

In reply to SnoopDog

You will have to call your pardna Beathisballs to answer that one

SnoopDog 2024-10-11 00:50:21 

In reply to sudden

Does he have a Twitter account?

Walco 2024-10-11 03:15:06 

In reply to sudden

We can now confirm that COVID was a Chinese cloud seeding experiment gone wrong. Next on the agenda is Atlantic hurricanes in February and snow storms in Toronto in July.

sudden 2024-10-11 11:08:32 

In reply to Walco

It is amazing that in all these conspiracies, Republicans or their minions are never the adversaries

As a true conspiracy theorist they perplex me

Walco 2024-10-11 11:18:58 

In reply to sudden

smile As a true conspiracy theorist, you can surely appreciate the genius of the government's control over the weather. It takes a great deal of skill not just to create a Cat 5 hurricane, but also to direct it to red counties in red states. Look for Harris to win Florida, Georgia and North Carolina in November.

sudden 2024-10-11 11:33:57 

In reply to Walco

According to some here, Trump in a landslide

They project he will even win Cali and NY

Walco 2024-10-11 14:49:03 

In reply to sudden

Those same people predicting Trump in a landslide also believe that the election was stolen in 2020. To be honest, I'm not sure why they think Trump has a chance in 2024. Wouldn't it make sense that the people who stole the election in 2020 will do it again in 2024? In fact, why is Trump wasting his time running again when he knows the fix is in and he will lose?

googley 2024-10-11 18:51:56 

In reply to Walco

To be honest, I'm not sure why they think Trump has a chance in 2024

Biden!! They never expected Biden to drop out!

nick2020 2024-10-11 20:34:29 

In reply to sudden

Trump in a landslide

Trump has quite a few paths to victory.

To believe it is this close is really mind-boggling. I suspect even if Melania came out to support Kamala alongside the former aides he still would win.