The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Biden got stabbed in the back. Now he stab back

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Prako 10/31/24, 6:37:34 PM
Prako avatar image

debut: 10/10/16
1,077 runs

In reply to birdseye

You dodged the question. If they have all that, why the increasing debt under Kamala's Senatorship?

Additionally, of the top 20 states/districts with regard to Debt/Capita, why is 75% (15 out of 20) Democratic Run?

Highest Debt/Capita Rank
Dem District of Columbia
Dem New York
Dem Connecticut
Dem Massachussets
Dem California
Dem Hawaii
Dem Illinois
Rep North Dakota
Rep Kentucky
Dem Colorado
Rep Alaska
Dem Washington
Dem Rhode Island
Rep Texas
Dem New Jersey
Dem Maryland
Dem Oregon
Dem Minnesota
Dem Pennsylvania
Rep West Virginia
Rep Kansas
Dem Nevada
Dem Delaware
Dem Wisconsin
Rep Nebraska
Rep Missouri
Dem Michigan
Rep Ohio
Dem Virginia
Rep Indinia
Rep Tennessee
Rep South Dakota
Rep South Carolina
Dem Vermont
Dem New Mexico
Dem New Hampshire
Rep Iowa
Rep Arkansas
Dem Maine
Rep Utah
Rep Louisiana
Rep Florida
Dem Georgia
Dem Arizona
Rep Montana
Rep Mississippi
Rep Oklahoma
Rep North Carolina
Rep Wyoming
Rep Idaho
birdseye 10/31/24, 7:08:58 PM
birdseye avatar image

debut: 3/24/04
38,232 runs

In reply to Prako
ou dodged the question. If they have all that, why the increasing debt under Kamala's Senatorship?

California is a Donor state – it pays more in taxes to the Federal govt. than it receives back in aid. Most red states are receiver states; they receive more federal money than they contribute,

Oklahoma receives $2.42 in aid for every dollar it pays to the federal government.

Kamala represents California interests at the federal level – she has no role in the governance of California
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conman 10/31/24, 7:33:08 PM
conman avatar image

debut: 10/12/11
3,505 runs

In reply to Prako

U all always amaze me, you try to have this policy/political discussion while supporting an idiot that has not given any proper policy or sentence structure....
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