debut: 10/10/16
901 runs
In reply to Courtesy
What has Trump done between 2020 and now to enhance his chances of winning the 2024 elections.
There are 2 trains of thought here and you focused on 50%:
1. What has Trump done?
The other option that is missing from the discussion is:
2. What has the incumbent done to retain confidence?
In my opinion, Trump hasn't done anything to enhance - in this strategy, if the incumbent hasn't done a good job then the Opposition only needs to mark time.
The Incumbent has continued to challenge the Economy with Inflation (+20%), growth in interest rates, Cost to service debt has increased 153%, Increase in Gross National debt by $6.97T, consumer confidence index at -24$, disenfranchised Muslims and has shown in inability to manage illegal immigration.
Coupled with 1 and 2, Trump hasn't done anything because he wasn't in power to do anything and didn't need to do anything. On the converse, what has the Incumbent done to deliver on their promises to retain confidence? In summary, Trump doesn't need to do anything because the Incumbent has regressed.
Zero > Negative