The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Take a vilctory lap, deplorables! You earned it.

JayMor 11/7/24, 12:48:33 AM
JayMor avatar image

debut: 12/15/02
7,619 runs

2024-11-06 23:11:06

Take a victory lap, deplorables! You earned it.

Racialism, bigotry, buffoonery, tomfoolery, misogyny, vulgarity, lewdness, lawlessness and bullyism have all conspired to take the day. Chump is the absolute worst choice in the world! But American democracy allows for that too, I suppose.

Kamala Harris:- From day one, Kamala was a weak candidate. I had exected her to be a one-term president. I put much of the blame on the Dem king makers. Joe Biden should have been considered as an interim president, allowing for bright folks to show their hands and get into the mix, with someone emerging ultimately. I look at guys like govs Roy Cooper, Josh Shapiro and Gavin Newsom, and ponder on missed opportunities.

All that said, Kamala Harris played the hand dealt and did her best. She did almost nothing wrong, and really should have easily defeated the likes of this opponent. But America is still in a bad place. Pervasive bigotry and misogyny still remain too much for a non-white woman to overcome in 2024.

Our hope now must be that Chumpie will be convinced to surround himself with better quality people than the previous time, allowing for America and her values to not just survive, but to thrive.

Congrats, MAGArites. Yuh done good fe yuhself.

Chrissy 11/7/24, 1:04:30 AM
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debut: 11/14/02
197,622 runs

In reply to JayMor
Sad indeed
johndom90 11/7/24, 4:06:26 AM
johndom90 avatar image

debut: 4/7/05
6,886 runs

In reply to JayMor

The voice of the people is the voice of God.

This is democracy in action , the likes of which is needed by Libya, Syria , Iran Russia, Cuba, China...hell even Kanada
JahJah 11/7/24, 4:25:11 AM
JahJah avatar image

debut: 12/6/03
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In reply to johndom90

Explain the Canada bit.

Does Canada find new ways to deny non-White people the right to vote?
johndom90 11/7/24, 5:13:14 AM
johndom90 avatar image

debut: 4/7/05
6,886 runs

In reply to JahJah

[quoteDoes Canada find new ways to deny non-White people the right to vote?

Ax the sargaent about Kanada and Fidelito...he just explain Latino men.

He will give a better
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nitro 11/7/24, 10:34:05 AM
nitro avatar image

debut: 4/10/03
17,364 runs

In reply to JayMor

The cost of living and the economy turned off a lot of people who would have voted for Harris. Harris was a poor candidate as well.
DukeStreet 11/7/24, 11:44:09 AM
DukeStreet avatar image

debut: 12/2/02
30,456 runs

In reply to JayMor

If you and the whole world knew that she was oh so frikken weak, why in the hella did they put her up against Con Don? Why??!! Instead of trying to push a rope (can't be done) you all should have been sitting back expecting this landslide victory instead of running off your mouths here at the end.

Honestly, I knew she was weak but expected them to tief it for she like they did to Trump before but maybe they had no choice but to let this one go. Bright days ahead, son!! Sit back and relax!
sudden 11/7/24, 12:42:09 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,709 runs

In reply to DukeStreet

expected them to tief it for she like they did to Trump before but maybe they had no choice but to let this one go

And they didn’t tief this for Trump right?
Prako 11/7/24, 12:51:48 PM
Prako avatar image

debut: 10/10/16
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In reply to JayMor

It take it as an honour to be called Deplorable and Garbage because we took the trash out!
JOJO 11/7/24, 1:28:32 PM
JOJO avatar image

debut: 1/29/03
6,372 runs

In reply to DukeStreet

but expected them to tief it for she like they did to Trump

It is so obvious that you guys live in this alternative information bubble where facts are irrelevant or even despised.
sudden 11/7/24, 2:44:52 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,709 runs

In reply to JOJO

You see it too, Jo

Amazing isn’t it?

Will say it was a joke
DukeStreet 11/7/24, 2:53:06 PM
DukeStreet avatar image

debut: 12/2/02
30,456 runs

In reply to sudden

Nahhh..this was a landslide victory in all departments. Not even the most ardent of kamala supporters would say "dem tief she". Come on, now.
sudden 11/7/24, 2:55:51 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,709 runs

In reply to DukeStreet

Certainly that is not what you wrote even if it is what you meant
DukeStreet 11/7/24, 2:58:31 PM
DukeStreet avatar image

debut: 12/2/02
30,456 runs

Really?? Den tell me what I wrote?
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sudden 11/7/24, 3:05:54 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,709 runs

In reply to DukeStreet

Didn’t come over that way. Why you think Jojo and I picked up on it

It sounded as though you said they cheated Trump before but couldn’t or didn’t for Harris because they had no choice
DukeStreet 11/7/24, 3:21:16 PM
DukeStreet avatar image

debut: 12/2/02
30,456 runs

In reply to sudden

They couldn't cheat for Harris because she lost in every single forkane department. Not her fault tho. They kept her locked up until ole man Biden couldn't find himself to the bathroom
sudden 11/7/24, 3:24:48 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,709 runs

In reply to DukeStreet

So they couldn’t cheat for Harris

And you believe they cheated against Trump before?
Runs 11/7/24, 3:27:38 PM
Runs avatar image

debut: 1/4/03
58,678 runs

In reply to DukeStreet

Howdy, hope all is well with you and family.
birdseye 11/7/24, 9:51:03 PM
birdseye avatar image

debut: 3/24/04
38,265 runs

In reply to JayMor

Racialism, bigotry, buffoonery, tomfoolery, misogyny, vulgarity, lewdness, lawlessness and bullyism have all conspired to take the day. Chump is the absolute worst choice in the world! But American democracy allows for that too, I suppose -
Excellent points….and maybe that was DEMOCRACY at work…. Or was it the culmination of the 70 + years of the Koch industries, Cato institute, and economist James Buchanan well designed and funded plan to save Capitalism from Democracy…and they found Trump, as revolting as he is – the perfect vessel to bring their ideals/ideas to fruition...

After all “Why should the increasingly powerful federal government be able to force the wealthy to pay for goods and programs that served ordinary citizens and the poor?”

take a glance
democracy in chains
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