The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Son Dad what’s the difference between confident and confidential

birdseye 11/30/24, 1:46:03 AM
birdseye avatar image

debut: 3/24/04
38,327 runs

Dad – Mnnn, you are my son, of that I am confident. Your friend Billy next door is also my son. That’s confidential
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Cheeks 12/1/24, 9:33:06 AM
Cheeks avatar image

debut: 12/3/02
15,686 runs

In reply to birdseye

big grinbig grin
JOJO 12/1/24, 5:42:34 PM
JOJO avatar image

debut: 1/29/03
6,373 runs

In reply to birdseye

Based on his example of “confidential”, perhaps he should rethink his example of “confident”.
culpepperboy 12/1/24, 7:27:43 PM
culpepperboy avatar image

debut: 6/2/11
9,112 runs

In reply to birdseye

You is Trevor Eastmond?
birdseye 12/1/24, 7:52:23 PM
birdseye avatar image

debut: 3/24/04
38,327 runs

big grin
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