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I took a detox from US media, after Trump won

Yamfoot 2024-12-04 02:05:08 

So disappointed in the American people. Hypocritical. The Trump supporters say they are pro life and they have Christian values, but yet they are ok with the immoral Trump being in office. I dont want to say I hope the economy fails, cause that will affect us in the Caribbean, but I just cant take how he would gloat if the economy does well!

And mark you, I am not a political pundit nor nutten, but I watched all the news shows once Biden said he would step down. I also thought that the CNN shows and the View etc, were too blatantly against Trump, rather than being neutral.

Also, how much did Jeff Bezos not declaring support for a nominee, hurt Harris?

So disappointed.

Da-Vincy 2024-12-04 02:33:21 

In reply to Yamfoot

Just before seeing this, I was saying hat its now exactly 4 weeks since I've watched any of the talk channels...regardless of their political leaning. Just can't bring myself. And not sure when I will.

bravos 2024-12-04 02:53:03 

In reply to Yamfoot

Don't even bother yourself with that, Harris was a hot mess, and she couldn't even manage over a billion riased, they're over 20 million in debt and begging for money to cover it, after paying people like Beyonce and Cardi-B millions to talk nonsense for a few minutes .

Honestly I think the US dodged a bullet by not electing her . Don't waste your emotions on the US and their citizens, it was their choice and who are we to judge ? Trump didn't just get through, he won by a relative landslide .

I think more than the American people and Trump, the dems need to do some deep introspection and accept the fact that they were defeated simply because people are fed up of their nonsense, so much so a convicted felon beat them .

For all the bad Trump is I think those on the other side are much worse for supporting and facilitating genocide and pediatric gender modification/mutilation shared bathrooms etc. and of course war-mongering, have you seen what those fools are doing in their last few days in office ?

To me all that seems more depraved and sinister than any amount of consentual pu$$y grabbing and pornstar patronizing . This iteration of the Dems are really repulsive and the biggest hypocrites, not in the US, but the entire world .

Good riddance to good-looking garbage .

Coming from the well advised "high' stance, I wish the president-elect, the people, and the country well. .

ponderiver 2024-12-04 04:40:12 

I stopped watching the news weeks before he was elected the first time I saw it coming

American politics is a hot mess It has been for quite a while.

America has got exactly what they deserved

The only thing people of colour can do to affect change is to vote with their wallet , Boycott boycott boycott

JahJah 2024-12-04 05:33:56 

In reply to bravos

Trump didnt just get through, he won by a landslide .

Call the fella below and debate him

I think those on the other side are much worse for supporting and facilitating genocide

I have a bridge to sell you if you think trump wouldn't have done the same. You saw what he did about Jerusalem? Everybody might have been dead and buried by now.

she couldn't even manage over a billion riased, they're over 20 million in debt and begging for money to cover i

hot mess for going in debt. The story of trump's life. not to mention the go fund me sort of stuff he did to get money from his duncey supporters the last time. you trump fans always lack basic self awareness.

JahJah 2024-12-04 05:34:47 

In reply to ponderiver

America has got exactly what they deserved

Just like the UK and the mouth frothing Brexiteers.

ponderiver 2024-12-04 06:40:38 

In reply to JahJah

Just like the UK and the mouth frothing Brexiteers.

manU must be winning that aside i agree with youbig grin

velo 2024-12-04 12:39:48 

I took a detox from them for years journalism in america is partisan rubbish that has no integrity .msnbc and foxx news are the worst

bravos 2024-12-04 13:30:44 

In reply to JahJah

Hoping for the best , but not invested in any of them really, just hoping for the best with what's available and not fighting it..

It's just that the Trump talk is a bit boring and useless now, the man won convincingly and my point is that cannot be ignored minimized or trivialized and the butt hurt is bordering on pathetic now..

Emir 2024-12-04 13:40:52 

In reply to bravos

Good sentiments. The MSNBC crew fooled a lot of people and the Trump side targeted the 2% who don't normally follow the traditional news and cable- and he got them to come out.

The popular vote was very close and at the end of the day, the democratic base- especially the young voters took a stand against genocide and stayed home or went third party.

These few thousand votes here and there was the difference in the end.

For people in here, they will learn about the system and not take it personally.

Trump and his men and bad people, but so to are the democrats who stood silent when their party supported genocide.

VIX 2024-12-04 13:51:32 

In reply to Yamfoot

You’re disappointed because the news you were getting from US media is mostly left-leaning.

The talk and entertainment shows also made seem that Trump had already lost. If you and the rest of the shell-shocked backroom had paid attention to what was taking place in the misfits’ mericka, you would have seen that Trump was favoured to win. Real merica, not the one we see on entertainment TV, had already made up its mind to elect the pedophile felon.

Bezos staying neutral didn’t change a thing. That’s just one of many many left-wing excuses.

There was little surprising in the results for me. The only thing I got wrong was thinking it would be closer.. I posted in a few threads that Trump was favoured to win. One bloviating dolt posted incoherent nonsense daily, claiming Harris had already won, even when faced with tight polls and increasing momentum for Trump. The confirmation bias in the echo chamber was running wild.

It’s all about perspective. You don’t need a media detox, you just need to make the effort to balance your sources. Get news from both sides, or from neutral outlets. Otherwise, you’ll stay trapped in the echo chamber as the misfits here are.

Emir 2024-12-04 13:52:33 

In reply to Yamfoot

Also, how much did Jeff Bezos not declaring support for a nominee, hurt Harris

Answer: 0

The Trump supporters say they are pro life and they have Christian values, but yet they are ok with the immoral Trump being in office

Answer: True, but in the USA, each segment is vastly different, White radical evangelicals fundamentalist- a strong base of the Republican party hold this view, others who voted for Trump do not.

Here's what you a missing: It takes two sides, in Harris's side the Biden sin was just too much to overcome, just as you speak of morality, the democrat base sae genocide as a moral issue as well.

American politics is incredibly complicated, but we can say the liberal media mis led a lot of folks- some of the things they said about Trump is now proving false, for example, instead of fighting against genocide, they supported or did not oppose it and they hid the horrors by not telling the truth. But what they did do, was to sell this: Trump will do much worse, look he moved the embassy, looked he had a Muslim ban, look he said he will ask Israel to finished the job etc etc.

It did not work. The base wanted their own party to not support genocide, they knew what Trump would potentially do, but they were shocked of what their own party was a actually doing, regardless of what Trump may do.

The democrats were telling their base- I am raping you, take it and shut up, because that other guy, he is going to rape you more, just look at what he said.

The white liberal elitist media patronization of many minority group failed

ray 2024-12-04 14:08:29 

In reply to Yamfoot

DId so as well...and still doing it...mostly sports and movies nowadays

CricSham 2024-12-04 15:03:47 

In reply to bravos

Coming from the well advised "high' stance, I wish the president-elect, the people, and the country well. .
I like your attitude bro. I wrote a piece on the election. I don’t know if you caught it, but I’ll resend it here just in case.

nick2020 2024-12-04 17:32:42 

In reply to VIX

You’re disappointed because the news you were getting from US media is mostly left-leaning.

No VIX she is not disappointed because she thought like some of the misfits on here that Kamala was going to win; she is disappointed that the majority of Americans will vote for the person we know as Donald Trump.

I personally am disappointed in every single person who could really type this:

To me all that seems more depraved and sinister than any amount of consentual pu$$y grabbing and pornstar patronizing . This iteration of the Dems are really repulsive and the biggest hypocrites, not in the US, but the entire world .

So you think Trump is not going to support Israel and not turn a blind eye to the genocide? He is on record saying he would smile as the missiles headed to Gaza.

While Trump has publicly confirmed having told Netanyahu that he wants Israel to win the war quickly, the sources speaking to The Times of Israel are the first to reveal that a timeline was attached to that request.

Trump in recent weeks has indicated that he’d give Israel freer reign to make decisions, slamming US President Joe Biden for trying to restrict the potential targets of Jerusalem’s retaliation to Iran’s October 1 ballistic missile attack.

How can you all be so ignorant? There is no criticism on the planet that you can level at any functioning member of society (so we are not comparing Trump to John Wayne Gacy) and not find a worse flaw in Trump. It is like the man does so much shit his shit becomes normal and you all criticize someone else for farting.

Is this not the man who led an insurrection?
Is this not the man who stole classified documents and instructed his lawyers to lie to the FBI?
Is this not the man who in his defence in the E Jean Carroll rape case say she is ugly and not his type only to mistake her for his ex wife?
Is this not the man who was responsible for THE WORST response to the Covid pandemic and because of him USA per capita handled Covid worse than any other developed nation and the shithole countries of this world?

The guy is an idiot, a liar, a racist, a cheater, a conman, a poor husband and a morally bankrupt person who cares for no one else but himself.

So yes Yammy is right because good people think people are like them - good. Good people do not think they are special. They do not think they are any better than anyone else. So they expect the best out of everyone. And what America did spits in the face of all of that.

How can America be exceptional when the person running the country is so inferior?

Cheeks 2024-12-04 20:14:41 

In reply to nick2020

Well said.

On top of all that ..he has incessantly shit on people with the skin color of most on this MB:

Birther movement
Shithole Countries...while he wants Norwegians instead
Eating the pets
One of the 'smart' ones
Still waiting to hear what period he considered great in American history that they need to return to to make it great AGAIN.
Central Park 5
Discriminate against colored folks re rental of his housing units.

Its CRAZY. Seems like we have no fuggin pride. A number of colored men in particular seem to love the lack of accountability he represents. To them I say...try that crap yourself and see how they treat your colored arse.

Too many Stephens deh bout.

Drapsey 2024-12-04 20:32:56 

In reply to Cheeks

Discriminate against colored folks re rental of his housing units.

Actually, R Kelly lived in one of his buildings. Trump Tower, I think.

But it underscores your above point about accountability. R Kelly got tainted by behavioral accessions and as a result got 'evicted'. In the meantime, Trump is accused/convicted of salacious activities and still got elected president. Twice.

sudden 2024-12-04 20:57:03 

In reply to nick2020

Padawan, from this day I pass the baton onto you

Cheeks 2024-12-04 21:58:03 

In reply to Drapsey

In the meantime, Trump is accused/convicted of salacious activities and still got elected president. Twice.

Tell that to the clowns here who refer to Kamala as a 'hot mess'. Is there a hotter mess that DJT ever? The difference is that the imperialists have circled their wagons to preserve their dominance.....and the Stephens apparently love it. I can't think of anything sadder in my lifetime than the latter.

bravos 2024-12-05 00:20:19 

In reply to Emir


bravos 2024-12-05 00:23:01 

In reply to CricSham

Cool, gonna check it

bravos 2024-12-05 00:31:04 

In reply to VIX

It's almost sad how intelligent people are brainwashed by agenda driven MSM narrating simply because it makes them feel warm and fuzzy.. .

bravos 2024-12-05 00:33:03 

In reply to nick2020

Nick I'm disappointed in you guys should stop the hate....Kamla was pathetic and blabbering nonsense and giggling all the time like a drunk narcissist ..the US dodged a serious bullet ..

bravos 2024-12-05 00:40:50 

In reply to Cheeks

Kamla was pathetic, stop the hate for president-elect . It's bordering on treason now, but the pathetic harmless kind, lol.

Trump even raised better kids than Biden..could you imagine the amount of skeletons in those demons closets ? At least Trump's are in a glass case for all to see !! Fukn disgusting hypocrites the lot of them.

bravos 2024-12-05 00:47:22 

The US constitution allows for convicted felons to run for president, deal with it, convicted felon does not mean incapable, it means you just got caught, like Bidens criminal drug addict monely laundering prosititute patronizing son.

Trump for all his faults raised better kids than Biden, but you people so brainwashed and thus so diabolical you can't see any good in them and think it's great Biden pardoned his because #WTFTRUMP
Some of allyuh is some rel little soft asses, get a life and stop the hate !

THE AMERICAN PEOPLE have spoken, time to stfu .

bravos 2024-12-05 01:15:59 

Dems, their supporters including many here actually wished the man had gotten killed in that incident, and that's OK because it was Trump, and the constant attacks on his family, even his wife ! Disgusting !

It was then it occured to me that those were the people I was rooting for, and what a total idiot sheep I've been .

Cheeks 2024-12-05 01:21:35 

In reply to bravos

You sound like a man fighting hard to convince himself. The end result is spouting a whole lotta contradictory shit.

bravos 2024-12-05 06:46:38

nick2020 2024-12-05 07:17:16 

In reply to bravos

Kamla was pathetic and blabbering nonsense and giggling all the time like a drunk narcissist

Narcissism: Symptoms and Signs

1. Sense of Entitlement
2. Manipulative Behavior
3. Need for Admiration
4. Lack of Empathy
5. Arrogance (A sense of self-importance, exaggerating their achievements and talents)

And you believe this is Kamala. You do not believe this is Trump? The billionaire born with a silver spoon in his mouth who brags about everything he is and does? How he so desperately needs to be loved?

A shocked John Kelly told Trump 'those are the heroes' after the president said having wounded veterans in a military parade 'doesn't look good,' book reveals.

Bravos whatever shortcoming you claim anyone else has Trump has in spades. I have found through debate there are 2 types of Trump supporters:

1. The ones who are unapologetic Trump supporters.
2. The ones who drag down everyone else.

You are choosing #2 here.

Trump even raised better kids than Biden..could you imagine the amount of skeletons in those demons closets ? At least Trump's are in a glass case for all to see !! Fukn disgusting hypocrites the lot of them.

Wow. You are basing Biden's abilities as a parent on the actions of Hunter? I am sure you have friends who have tried everything with their children but failed. If you are a parent and you have enough friends this is the case. I am also sure you have friends who have a deadbeat parent but the children have accomplished so much.

It seems no matter what evil Trump has done people like yourself seem to excuse it.

"prosititute patronizing son" vs Trump the wonderful father who snuck out while his wife was home with his newborn son to have unprotected sex with a porn star. So you sum this up as Biden the terrible father vs Trump for all his faults is better.

Like yammy I do not get it. I would if I just thought well bravos is a racist and an idiot but I do not think that. I struggle to understand how you can listen to Trump and say "That is my guy!" And it is especially disappointing to see people on here support Trump.

When Trump says illegals are stealing black and brown jobs are illegals the CEO of Fortune 500 companies? Do you understand how racist and insulting that statement is? I am not asking anyone to like Kamala or Biden or any Dem but to think Trump is good and/or good for the country is mind-blowing.

Acid 2024-12-05 12:40:47 

In reply to ponderiver

manU must be winning big grin


You set the man up lol

nick2020 2024-12-05 14:48:52 

This site what blowing up.

Bravos maybe it was for the best my post got trashed so I will just condense it. I went thru the Insurrection, Fake Elector Plot and the Classified Documents case to illustrate how horrible a President Trump was but what is more important is how horrible Trump the person is.

What Trump and Rudy did to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss is the kind of wickedness that they should have to burn in hell for. They destroyed the life of those women.

Trump is a horrible person and it is that simple. Your moral compass should tell you you want nothing to do with someone like that.

bravos 2024-12-05 16:08:19 

In reply to nick2020

My moral.compass says all that he is guilty of is child's play compared to what the others are guilty of .

carl0002 2024-12-05 17:00:13 

In reply to nick2020

Thanks for that

nick2020 2024-12-05 20:03:23 

In reply to bravos

Then you really have chosen not to see, believe it understand what he is guilty of

Cheeks 2024-12-05 20:10:36 

In reply to nick2020

Time to stop trying with that guy. I am done. Classic Stephen type I am sorry.