debut: 10/14/09
41,504 runs
In reply to Ayenmol
I could run down the list of issues the Trump kids have, or even cite the number of terrible inmates who have well adjusted law abiding citizens as children.
Thanks for making my points, unwittingly or not, that's all elementary and obvious innit ?
As it is now Who's kid is a pardoned convicted criminal ?
But it seems like the people who call others fools for believing in God, are the ones who seem to struggle with understanding basic realities of life.
Soft head nonsense, absolute rubbish, so you have any clue of the religious beliefs of the people who invented things and processes etc that has helped our species advance to where we are today?
Many of them were noted atheist!
This is another example of bias clouding judgement. Believing in one man made god or the other has no relevance here .
Trump believes in god ! And I disagree with him on imposing religion in the school system. It is the biggest divider of people even bigger than race. That's another whole discussion.
But based on your reasoning Trump is the best man for the job because he believes in god and thus has a good understanding of the BASIC realities.
Well I am saying Trump is good for the job for the same reason and that is BASIC UNDERSTANDING and ACTION without the complications don't know what that has to do with believing in a man-made diety .
Perfect example of agenda clouding basic and obvious reality .