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Yuh Mouth Stink

Besar 2024-12-14 11:16:31 

This is what I heard a member of parliament uttered to another on the opposite side while viewing the parliamentary proceedings of a West Indian parliament one day. I was appalled by this low, and it has gotten worse over time to the extent that it has become the new normal to go to and remain in the gutter. The age of healthy debates, where issues and substance were the order of the day is in danger. When the politicians up to the turn of the century, spoke, their levels of education, learnedness and wisdom could easily be discerned from their skillful oratory. No matter how heated the exchanges were between politicians at the time, their presentations were usually pregnant with substance, perfectly blended with humour and candour. They carried out heated debates, and made their points and counter points without crossing the line. You could listen to the debates all day, and could depend on them to learn at least one new word or idea. Not so today. In this age of watered down education, they have hit bottom low. Quite opposite to their predecessors, it is easy to figure out how poorly they have been educated and brought up. The old folks knew that the children, the population listened to them, and the tone of the nation depended on what they set, so they were measured in their output. These days, the politicians don't care what they say in parliament, social media or in public meetings, all of which end up viral. They care not. or know not, through their ignorance, that the tone they set is the same tone that manifest itself in the society. They pay no heed to the fact that the anger and hate they express publicly each day is what spills over into nations of raged youths.

I have noticed that since the advent Trumpism, others have found a reason to be loud, vulgar, hateful, spread lies, slander, misinform. Trump has opened up long standing, suppressed, negative values. Some politicians, especially of the conservative ilk, no longer are interested in truth and honour. Win by any means necessary is their style. They don't care where the propaganda started, or how false it is, as long as it makes their opponent look bad, and could earn them a few votes, they would join in the malaise. It is a sad time for those who are prepared to be the honourable men that democracy depends upon to make it work. By the time these conservatives are done with you, you are smeared beyond political recognition. They create villains of, and among their opponents, and they dehumanize them, they besmirch them. People tend to believe politicians when they speak, and if they are loud, and in your face all day and night, they tend to be believed. So, they use those methods to keep their supporters, and others who are less alert, misinformed and ignorant. And, one other thing of note, when these politicians behave in such lows, their supporters of today do not stop them. In fact, they join the fray of slander and character assassination. People who should know better, their allow their societies and states to decline into webs of crime, refusing to force their politicians back into the era of civil discourse. Instead, they would blame others for their crimes, often their political opponent, or even some racial profiling.

Emir 2024-12-14 11:53:03 

In reply to Besar

Instead, they would blame others for their crimes,

Aren't you doing the same by this statement?

I have noticed that since the advent Trumpism, others have found a reason to be loud, vulgar, hateful, spread lies, slander, misinform. Trump has opened up long standing, suppressed, negative values. Some politicians, especially of the conservative ilk, no longer are interested in truth and honour

You are correct in your observation, but don't blame Trump- blame them- those "West Indian" politicians for following the low life and for your people who allow them to get away with it.

Overthrow 2024-12-14 13:43:41 

In reply to Besar

Exceptional all round analysis from my point of view.

XDFIX 2024-12-14 14:18:25 

In reply to Besar

Bro, let's try something new; perhaps the gutter politics may get us places where the 'stoosh' has not taken us over the years. I am always for trying something new and different!

I am prepared to see a little bashment politics before any judgment!

imusic 2024-12-14 20:24:56 

In reply to Besar


jacksparrow 2024-12-15 01:18:54 

Look what happen at the capitol has definitely rippled around the world and but shenanigans in other’ parliaments have been going on long before that. Google or you tube can show many fights etc. a lot of convicts also serve in parliament.

XDFIX 2024-12-16 02:03:06 

Are you better off than you were four years ago.

Besar 2024-12-16 13:05:44 

In reply to Emir

I meant, that after they created the atmosphere that resulted in criminal activities, they turn around and blame others for being the ones responsible for such increase in crimes. I also, believe that did imply that those politicians are to blame. Trumpism made them bold

Besar 2024-12-16 13:21:32 

In reply to XDFIX

You know, "stoosh" means confusion, quarrel, brawl? yet, i don't believe that is what you wanted to say. Anyhow, it does not matter what our political views or ideologies are, peace and stability in society are important ingredients for us to enjoy life. Thus, it is important to set a tone that does not result in unnecessary unrests and unease in society, because the perceived wealth created by the gutter politics would not b enjoyed. There is an old African proverb that says, "when mother cow eats, baby cow looks at its mouth."

Besar 2024-12-16 13:36:43 

In reply to XDFIX

Sometimes, in dealing with situations, a little analysis should be done. For example, there were wars and pandemic that some governments had no control of. International borders were shut down, and production and trade were either ceased or reduced. People sat at home while some governments gave them handouts to enable them to survive the pandemic. That was income not backed by productivity, and this results in inflation. Added to that, international trade was substantially reduced. Most economies are intertwined, and that resulted in shortages throughout the world, too, and inflation. So, quite naturally, as things open up, these things take time to redress themselves.

Sometimes, we have to ask, "why did things happen?" and be careful with those who use these situations to gain an advantage.

Ayenmol 2024-12-16 14:13:16 

In reply to Besar

I did not read your entire initial post...but you are right that the ends do not justify the means.The reaction you got from the one stating that the decline in discourse has a chance to bring a sort after result is tantamount to most people not realizing that morals and attitudes matter.

Too many people are fooled into believing that money and achievement eclipse all else.

These things can.contribute to peace and happiness, but they in themselves do not result in such.

Just as you mentioned, there are consequences to economic decisions that many never consider, make it doubly so for respect, trust and understanding.

in fact, the continued decrease in respectful discourse is proof that people are only concerned about their own views and outlook and are even less inclined to acknowledge the plight of others.

Any seeming benefit to such an approach is an illusion that will be short-lived and only result in deeper chasms between what is helpful and what isn't.

Jumpstart 2024-12-16 14:33:50 

Brerzerk 2024-12-16 14:40:08 

X-man seems to be only a few steps away from joining those evangelical preachers(American) who say "Jesus wasn't woke" ,i.e. peaceful. Next vid he posts we may see him wearing a crown of bullets ( not thorns) like that MAGA PREACHER