The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Not looking good for Trudeau, NDP will vote No Confidence

Slipfeeler 12/20/24, 4:13:24 PM
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debut: 12/22/15
7,974 runs

Not looking good for Trudeau government, seems inevitable now that NDP leader says he will vote No Confidence, at House next sitting.
BTW Trudeau reshuffled his cabinet with 12 new Ministers, but I have not seen much minorities.
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nickoutr 12/20/24, 5:07:48 PM
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debut: 3/21/08
12,418 runs

In reply to Slipfeeler

if jegmeet pull the plug he will shrivel into irrevelancy
WI_cricfan 12/20/24, 6:15:36 PM
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debut: 10/12/06
13,052 runs

In reply to nickoutr

Jagmeet is for sale to the highest bidder
Slipfeeler 12/22/24, 3:47:29 AM
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debut: 12/22/15
7,974 runs

In reply to nickoutr

Definitely Jag will be voting for his own demise
Kay 12/22/24, 9:41:29 PM
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debut: 2/1/15
10,439 runs

Jagmeet will continue to support the Liberals with a few new carrots from Trudeau.

He would get back at Poilievre at the same time for that "sell out Singh" label