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Barbados sees record high murders for 2024

Castled 2025-01-05 01:07:57 

Barbados murders increased 100 per cent to 50 for 2024

One homicide is one too many!

Random Anglo Caribbean countries murders for 2024

Jamaica 1140 reduced by 19% from 2023
Trinidad 625
Bahamas 120
Guyana 105
St. Lucia 80
St. Vincent 54
Barbados 50
St. Kitts 28
Antigua 12
Dominica 9
Grenada.. unknown

trev114 2025-01-05 01:21:45 

Those figures are absolute numers not rates but are sad nevertheless

dayne 2025-01-05 02:04:25 

So Dominicans are the gentlest people in the Caribbean

Maispwi 2025-01-05 18:58:38 

On a per capita basis, the Tits will claim dat dere are 3 countries above dem, all Saints, while de Muddies and de Garrots will claim dat dey are gentler dan de Dominicans

Jumpstart 2025-01-05 19:15:26 

In reply to Maispwi

Nah. Can’t do that. Gangs in TT a real menace now. I doh understand why because nobody in the history of the region has spent more money on education and training than us but you can take a horse to the water but yuh can’t make it drink I guess

Emir 2025-01-08 12:27:53 

In reply to Jumpstart

. I doh understand why because nobody in the history of the region has spent more money on education and training than us

True in terms of spending, but what it tells you is money isn't the solution to fix broken things, at times it is the removal of corruption, cultural changes, uncorrupted and modern policing, modern banking system to expose corruption, and a sound judiciary- all of which involves professional peoples and none of which need just money to fix.

Question: Which two groups in TT do not want any change to the status quo?

Jumpstart 2025-01-08 13:15:13 

In reply to Emir

True in terms of spending, but what it tells you is money isn't the solution to fix broken things, at times it is the removal of corruption, cultural changes, uncorrupted and modern policing, modern banking system to expose corruption, and a sound judiciary- all of which involves professional peoples and none of which need just money to fix.

excellent commentary. you are very correct

tc1 2025-01-08 15:14:14 

In reply to Castled

Not good, what is our globe trotting PM and her cabinet doing about this .

sudden 2025-01-08 15:19:56 

In reply to tc1

much to the chagrin of the police at parliament, he, she, it, they, in writing, invited gang /drug dealers to the opening of parliament when he, she, it, they became PM

so dont worry, be happy

tc1 2025-01-08 15:51:42 

In reply to sudden

Just received an email signed (She, her), is this the new signing.

I have seen the elite Mottley up close as a lil boy growing up in the West coast.

seaegg99 2025-01-09 14:42:01 

Just returned from two weeks in Bim. If crime is a bunch of youths who want no work but spend their time glorifying guns then let them kill themselves off. Have not seen so many people in Bim ever and nary a police siren in that time. Airport was loaded day after day.

Another reason Bim cricket suck. Youths rather carry around a gun and make videos of it than go play cricket or football.

Castled 2025-01-10 01:00:41 

In reply to tc1

The Barbados Police Service has corrected what it called “inaccurate information” reported by the media in relation to the total number of murders in 2024.

In a press release, the Service notes that they have “recorded and investigated forty-nine (49) cases of Murder and one (1) case of Manslaughter” during that period.

Police report 49 murders were recorded in 2024 not 50 shock

camos 2025-01-10 01:30:20 

In reply to Castled

big grin man there were 50 killings