The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

The biggest con that...

Cheeks 1/12/25, 4:38:21 PM
Cheeks avatar image

debut: 12/3/02
15,744 runs

...the white supremacy agenda has pulled on minorities to is to distract them and convince them to throw the baby out with the bathwater re DEI.

I have seen the following from people I know very well and are very successful..financially anyway:

1. They have pigeonholed DEI into the LGBTQT movement when in fact that is a tiny subset of DEI with respect to the % of population affected. Suffice it so say, if your child is not gay or queer, then govt attempts to accommodate people who are, will NOT make them turn gay. Get a grip.

2. They forget that the biggest DEI exercise in the history of mankind (from my vantage point anyway) was the abolition of enslavement of people.

3. I see bunch of black men displaying borderline hatred for black women, because black women dare to seek self sufficiency.

4. They perceive 'redress' of historical discrimination as people not earning their seat at the table when in fact....that fundamentally, DEI is focused on ensuring that qualified people of certain demographics are not deliberately excluded.

Is DEI as implemented by mankind a perfect solution? Of course not...but its better than the alternative where one subset of mankind gets to dominate and trample on the rest. As matter of fact...the ONLY issue with DEI is abuse of the principles by we do with everything else.

There is nothing 'sadder' to me than looking at historically marginalized people allow themselves to be distracted to the point where they encourage and celebrate their own demise.

People who have always been pro-worker now support the unchecked oligarchy push of Musty and company ...and based on what?? Mostly fake outage over LGBQT accommodation

It took me a while to get there, but as I observe black men hating on black women and latinos voting against their own interest on the basis of nonsense..I realize the social media bombardment machinery can do nuff damage.

Musty bought X to supposedly encourage free speech, but he has become the master of censoring views that oppose his. If there ever was James Bond movie villain type in the world....Musty is your guy.

Now DJT is talking about hell to pay in the Middle East ...oh well. All the nonsense excuses people have used to justify their distraction are blowing up in smoke as expected. The wagons circled to prevent DJT paying for his crimes and people who look like the central park 5 are celebrating. This sh!t hurts my head
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sudden 1/12/25, 4:50:46 PM
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debut: 11/27/06
53,972 runs

Let not your heart be troubled

the end is nigh

it will get worse before it gets better

they will try to delay yes, they will lie no doubt, but there is no turning back

the forces will gather and appear to be winning

dont matter what happens no one can stop the times

and remember, ripeness is the first sign of decay

the Age of Aquarius is imminent
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Cheeks 1/12/25, 5:01:32 PM
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debut: 12/3/02
15,744 runs

In reply to sudden

the end is nigh

The end of what exactly?

And how soon?big grin
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sudden 1/12/25, 5:04:08 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,972 runs

In reply to Cheeks

the Age of Pisces

but it will not go out with a fight

stay strong
sudden 1/12/25, 5:08:22 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,972 runs

In reply to Cheeks

how soon?

as soon as the majority of humankind tap into the divine consciousness, the universal source that controls the cosmos and all within it
Brerzerk 1/12/25, 5:37:32 PM
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debut: 3/16/21
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In reply to Cheeks

MLK lr. summed up that con in 3 words, "A Cruel Jest"
Cheeks 1/13/25, 12:49:15 AM
Cheeks avatar image

debut: 12/3/02
15,744 runs

In reply to Brerzerk

MLK lr. summed up that con in 3 words, "A Cruel Jest"

Indeed it is.
imusic 1/13/25, 9:06:33 PM
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debut: 11/13/02
79,757 runs

In reply to Cheeks

The republicans, white supremacists, and conservatives in general have been very effective in bastardizing and demonizing conscious terms.

Woke and DEI are 2 of the most obvious examples.

It would be extremely ironic if the genesis of this “ownership” of a term were to found to have come from black men’s reclamation of the word “nigger”.
Cheeks 1/13/25, 9:30:19 PM
Cheeks avatar image

debut: 12/3/02
15,744 runs

In reply to imusic

The republicans, white supremacists, and conservatives in general have been very effective in bastardizing and demonizing conscious terms.

Indeed. Like I said my own experience with people attempting to abuse DEI and being 'woke' made me take a while to understand the the nefarious plot of the repubs, sumpremacists and so called conservatives.

There is this massive fear of a level playing field.

This guy is really good.