debut: 11/30/17
11,533 runs
IT has become very common to hear children sounding American despite the fact that they were born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago and have never stepped foot in the United States.
Speech-language pathologist Donnella Rodriguez-Laird explained what is behind this phenomenon of children speaking with an American accent and why, in some cases, it may be an indication of something more serious that needs to be looked into.
Exposure to screen time can influence speech and language development and the adoption of accents, said Rodriguez-Laird who has had young clients with posh British accents after watching Peppa Pig.
Speech-language pathologist Donnella Rodriguez-Laird explained what is behind this phenomenon of children speaking with an American accent and why, in some cases, it may be an indication of something more serious that needs to be looked into.
Exposure to screen time can influence speech and language development and the adoption of accents, said Rodriguez-Laird who has had young clients with posh British accents after watching Peppa Pig.
the result of decades of mongrel syndrome