I haven’t seen Democrats this mad since Republicans freed their slaves.
sudden1/14/25, 3:54:34 PM
debut: 11/27/06 53,972 runs
or when the dems passed the civil rights act and the southern dems defected to the republican party and the republicans became the angry dems of the abolition of slavery and the civil war era
amazing how the world turns, eh
CricSham1/14/25, 3:55:36 PM
debut: 8/24/03 1,650 runs
In reply to sudden If that revisionist history makes you feel good. God bless you.
sudden1/14/25, 5:58:05 PM
debut: 11/27/06 53,972 runs
In reply to CricSham
same to you
camos1/14/25, 7:40:58 PM
debut: 5/6/03 58,055 runs
In reply to CricSham
In reply to CricSham
Are you not aware of that fact?
have you heard of the Dixiecrats?
- edited -
Brerzerk1/14/25, 9:14:08 PM
debut: 3/16/21 12,139 runs
In reply to CricSham
You are better than that! With your awareness and education you do know that the majority of the descendants of slave-owners switched to Republicans after The Voting and Civil Rights Acts signed by LBJ.
This is your 2nd big piece of Mis and Dis-info. I had promised to address the 1st but didn't, still might.
nickoutr1/14/25, 10:53:23 PM
debut: 3/21/08 12,456 runs
consolation prize for the losers in the general elections
Walco1/15/25, 5:52:34 PM
debut: 6/22/08 14,099 runs
In reply to sudden
There will be more crimes during the next 4 years, and more than enough evidence to convict his corpse