The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Misinformation and Populism

Cheeks 1/19/25, 11:55:35 PM
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debut: 12/3/02
15,651 runs

Our comparison between party families furthermore indicates that misinformation is likely associated with the radical component of the populist radical-right ideology, which is characterized by hostility toward democratic institutions. In short, when it comes to misinformation, the main problem is not populism but radical-right populism.

Interesting research about how these tech moguls have fuqed the mind of too many people..although there is no appetite for anything longer than a tweet anymore...sigh

Download the pdf and read in your spare time is my suggestion.
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VIX 1/20/25, 2:05:42 PM
VIX avatar image

debut: 2/7/03
17,581 runs

I didn’t read the whole thing, but I have a question- who fact checks the fact checkers?

When CNN or the NYT, which the echo-chamber so love, publish left leaning spin, those count as high in factuality. But when conservative outlets try to present the other side, they get labeled as misinformation. The study seems to completely ignore the mainstream media’s clear bias against anything even remotely conservative.

The timing of the study conveniently includes the COVID period when anyone questioning the official narrative was labelled as spreading misinformation and being right wing. Also the period covers the pre-Musk era where Twitter admitted to censoring conservative commentary.

Instead of asking why right-wing politicians score low with the fact-checkers, maybe they should be asking why the fact-checkers have been so biased against conservative viewpoints.

The echo chamber could do themselves, and their mental health, a world of good by paying attention to conservative takes on current issues, instead of relying solely on sources that feed their confirmation bias.
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Cheeks 1/20/25, 4:40:51 PM
Cheeks avatar image

debut: 12/3/02
15,651 runs

In reply to VIX

I didn’t read the whole thing, but I have a question- who fact checks the fact checkers?

Well there is opinion and there is fact. By definition facts do not need to be fact checked...unless somebody misstates the fact deliberately or otherwise.

The echo chamber could do themselves, and their mental health, a world of good by paying attention to conservative takes on current issues, instead of relying solely on sources that feed their confirmation bias.

You keep repeating this. Don't look now ...but the right wing dominance of the social media landscape is the REAL echo chamber.

I am catholic and agree with many conservative viewpoints. But a couple things:

1. Trump is not conservative
2. The conservative space has been hijacked by white supremacists and white men who are scared about losing their dominance over everyone else.

Conservatism is is supposed to be based on Christian principles...for which the greatest commandment is about loving neighbors. All I see from 'conservatives' is hate for people who don't look like them.
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Brerzerk 1/20/25, 4:52:33 PM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
11,925 runs

In reply to VIX

Your very post is misinformation Vixie. To say no vigilant journalist do follow-up checks on NYT et al is disingenuous. In fact your favorite Fox if they can’t but there to articles from those sources they then mis and disinformation with “spin”
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