The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket


Emir 2/7/25, 4:16:45 AM
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debut: 8/9/14
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A letter to Donald J. Trump from Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, a Saudi prince and former government official who served as the head of Saudi Arabia's General Intelligence Presidency from 1979 to 2001. He is a grandson of Saudi's founder King Abdulaziz and son of King Faisal. He is the chairman of the King Faisal Foundation's Center for Research and Islamic Studies.
Emir 2/7/25, 4:17:28 AM
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debut: 8/9/14
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Dear President Trump,
The Palestinian people are not illegal immigrants to be deported to other lands. The lands are their lands and the houses that Israel destroyed are their homes, and they will rebuild them as they have done after previous Israeli onslaughts on them.
Most of the people of Gaza are refugees, driven out of their homes in what is now Israel and the West Bank by the previous Israeli genocidal assault on them in the 1948 and 1967 wars. If they are to be moved from Gaza, they should be allowed to return to their homes and to their orange and olive groves in Haifa, Jaffa and other towns and villages from which they fled or were forcibly driven out by the Israelis.
Mr President, many of the tens of thousands of immigrants who came to Palestine from Europe and other places after the Second World War stole Palestinian homes and land, terrorised the inhabitants and engaged in a campaign of ethnic cleansing. Alas, America and the UK, the victors of the war, stood by and even facilitated the murderous evictions of the Palestinians from their homes and lands.
America and the UK did not want to receive the victims of Adolf Hitler’s Holocaust, so they were content with sending them to Palestine. In the book Eight Days at Yalta, the author Diana Preston refers to a conversation between then US president Franklin Roosevelt and his Russian counterpart Joseph Stalin. Preston writes: “Conversation turned to the subject of Jewish homelands. Roosevelt said he was a Zionist… When Stalin asked Roosevelt what present he planned to make [Saudi king] Ibn Saud, he replied his only concession might be to give him six million Jews…”
Fortunately, when Mr Roosevelt did meet Ibn Saud, the king disabused him of that offer and suggested that the Jews should be offered the best lands in Germany as compensation for the Holocaust. Alas, Harry Truman, Roosevelt’s successor, wholeheartedly supported Jewish immigration to Palestine and eventually became instrumental in the creation of Israel.
Emir 2/7/25, 4:18:21 AM
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debut: 8/9/14
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The violence and bloodshed we witness today are the result of that action and the previous British complicity with Zionist ambitions from 1917 until then.
Mr President, your declared intent to bring peace to Palestine is much lauded in our part of the world. I respectfully suggest that the way to do that is to give the Palestinians their inalienable right to self-determination and a state with its capital in East Jerusalem, as envisaged in UN General Assembly Resolutions 181 and 194 and Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, and the Arab Peace Initiative.
All the Arab and Islamic countries, as well as the Palestinian Authority, accept the terms of the Arab Peace Initiative to end hostilities and establish relations with Israel. One hundred and forty-nine countries recognise the Palestinian state. Please make your country the 150th. No peace in the Middle East will be realised without addressing this noble issue justly and fairly.
Be remembered as the peacemaker.

Prince Turki Al Faisal
sgtdjones 2/7/25, 5:24:44 AM
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debut: 2/16/17
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​After bombs stopped dropping on Palestinians, some Arab countries don't consider them to be Arabs, so let them die; they are troublemakers being driven out of their homeland.
Out of all his palaces, this fucking idiot Prince Turki Al Faisal now chooses to write a letter to Orange Marmalade who cannot read
How come this Prince wasn't in Gaza.? These arseholes would sell their mother for money.

My criticism directed at Arab countries regarding their response to the Palestinian crisis is valid and deserves a more assertive tone.
While many Arab nations have historically expressed solidarity with Palestine, their actions—or lack thereof—often fall short of what is needed in moments of crisis.
The Palestinian people have endured decades of occupation, displacement, and violence, and the silence or inaction of some Arab leaders in the face of such suffering is deeply troubling.

Saudi Arabia, for instance, as a regional power and a leading oil producer, has significant leverage on the global stage.
Cutting off oil and LNG supplies to countries worldwide, such as the US and Britain et al, could have been a powerful statement and a means to exert pressure.
Yet, economic and political considerations often take precedence over moral obligations.
This prioritized self-interest over the collective good of the Arab world and the Palestinian cause is a recurring theme that undermines regional unity and solidarity.

Similarly, other Arab nations have the capacity to do more—whether through diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions, or direct support for Palestinian resistance.
Instead, many have chosen to remain passive, focusing on maintaining their own stability and relationships with Western powers.
This inaction not only weakens the Palestinian struggle but also erodes the credibility of Arab leadership in the eyes of their own people and the world.

Declaring condemnation or offering token assistance after the fact is insufficient.
The time for decisive action is during the crisis, when lives are at stake.
Arab countries must recognize that their strength lies in unity and collective action.
By failing to act assertively, they risk being seen as complicit in the ongoing suffering of the Palestinian people.

The Palestinian cause is not just a political issue; it is a moral one.
Arab leaders must rise above their individual interests and demonstrate true leadership by taking bold, tangible steps to support Palestine.
The world is watching, and history will judge their actions—or lack thereof—over 60,000 humans perished as you fcking morons watched from your palaces.
It is time for Arab countries to move beyond rhetoric and take meaningful action to stand with the Palestinian people in their struggle for justice and freedom.

So tell this Price to haul he mudder rass.evil
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nick2020 2/7/25, 9:57:08 AM
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debut: 7/2/12
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In reply to Emir

You told us Trump would be better than Joe.
nickoutr 2/7/25, 10:21:13 AM
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debut: 3/21/08
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The Gazans want to escape from Hamas who is the cause of their misery. There was no way out until president Trump is trying to open a door for them but there is fierce opposition all round.
sgtdjones 2/8/25, 5:38:07 PM
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debut: 2/16/17
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In reply to nickoutr

How could a door exist after Gaza is levelled, are they to leave their homeland again?evil
googley 2/8/25, 6:32:56 PM
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debut: 2/9/04
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In reply to nickoutr

here was no way out until president Trump is trying to open a door for them


You in the comedy business now!! Or Cult?! Sounds like you drank that koolaid!
nickoutr 2/8/25, 6:38:20 PM
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debut: 3/21/08
12,455 runs

You people are so gullible.
Do you think regular Palestinian want to be human shield for hamas forever?
All the while the humanitarian aid is being squandered to arm hamas and terrirists stealing their money?
dayne 2/8/25, 7:12:39 PM
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debut: 5/29/07
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In reply to nickoutr

Well, it seems like you have digested the propaganda of the Israeli Zionists and Western media, Hamas is a resistance group, not a terrorist group like some people would like to label them. They are fighting for the same cause that Madela, Gandhi, Mugabe and other freedom fighters fought for in the past. Hamas and the Palestinians believe the lands belong to them, Hamas is conducting an active resistance,
sgtdjones 2/8/25, 9:11:32 PM
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debut: 2/16/17
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In reply to nickoutr

Their land was stolen, and they are still being pushed out. Where is this door?

Hamas is designated as the ANC at one time... They were fighting against the apartheid regime in SA .

Isn't this the same as occurring today in Gaza ?

All these Arab countries have to do is unite ...stop oil and natural gas to every one world wide ...within a week the Palestinians will be free and have their homeland.
But the Arabs have no balls to do such.
The love for money and palaces is too much to stop.
Let the Jews, British and American, kill a few million Palestinians. The Palestinian Holocaust doesn't exist, only a Jewish one.

It makes such sense...evil
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XDFIX 2/9/25, 1:19:28 AM
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debut: 3/2/03
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In reply to nickoutr

Trust me, if Trump offered Gazans refugee status in the U.S., Gaza would be empty in the wink of an eye - there would be no talk about their homeland!

That, of course, would not be unique to Gazans! For example, look at what happened to people falling from planes in Afghanistan on the U.S. exit!
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camos 2/9/25, 5:34:43 PM
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debut: 5/6/03
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In reply to XDFIX

For example, look at what happened to people falling from planes in Afghanistan on the U.S. exit!
You got the wrong message from that optics; more people flee when the US backed government was in power.